◇ようこそ、「日本のことわざ」へ ‐ "Welcome!, to a proverb of Japan."

"GLN (we)" built this website for the foreigners (English-speaking countries) who have just resided to Japan. (^-^ゞ

The proverb of each feels your feeling refreshed.

はじめに Introduction.  序 Beginning.  ことわざと私 A proverb and me.  清き明き直き正しき真心 Purification, bright, earnest, and the true mind of justice.  正義とは Jjustice.  勤勉の勧め Industriousness is recommended.  正義の実践 Practice of justice.  心豊かな人生観 A heartful view of life.  あとがき A postscript.

いろはかるた Iroha Garuta.
金言名言 Maxim, Wise saying.

「食」に関係する金言集 「食」に関係することわざ集 竹の諺

世界宗教のことわざ Proverb of world religion.
「神」とは With "The god"
アメリカ・インディアンの書物よりも賢い言葉 The words that are clever than a book" of the American Indian.
ラテン語の名言・格言・ことわざ Wise remark, proverb of the Latin.
自衛隊の仕事術 160の金言集 The work way of the Self-Defense Forces.

マイ言葉 My saying.(・_・)  マイ言葉 My saying.§ GLN 総覧 TOP[守](^-^;


* GLN ことわざ・金言名言 A GLN proverb and a maxim wise saying.
* GLN ことわざA GLN proverb "2"

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.