◆勤勉の勧め Industriousness is recommended.

The motive (motivation) to pierce through a proverb is "industrious recommendation."

That is, just the action which fulfills justice is industrious. A proverb is said as follows. "We should take the lead and should practice it with industry in all aspects of affairs."

The justice without action does not exist. There is no industrious for self and there is for people. And it is for society. It is universally applied over the frame of each ideas and principles. In all the matters, we have to practice justice. We have to do industrious.

A sense of justice and the view of what receives industriously may be those with which the following thought religion (= ideas and principles only for people of the establishment) essentially conflicts.

By a Biblical religion, a believer's ultimate purpose is "living a life in the paradise which does not require working" uniquely.

In Buddhism, in the practice, although a duty of very strict industrious is imposed (a person practicing asceticism or believer), the purpose of practice has him in what (it goes to =, for example, the world and paradise of a mandala) the purpose for oneself is uniquely achieved for.

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.