GLN 自衛隊の金言集 The collection of maxims of the JSDF.
第一章 情報収集術 Information gathering way

000 行き詰まったら、まず動け If stuck, move first.

001 先制主導、遊撃部隊の襲撃は奇襲が基本 Initiative initiative. The surprise attacks of a search-and-kill mission unit's attack are foundations.
002 情報を軽視し、対応を怠れば、死に直結する If information is made light of and correspondence is neglected, it will link with death directly.
003 インプットなくして、アウトプットはない When there is no input, there is also no output.
004 大観小察 敵の状況の偵察は2段階 A broad perspective and small observation. Reconnaissance of an enemy's situation is two steps.
005 「吹雪・濃霧・夜間」は弱みであるが、強みにもなる It also becomes a strong point although it is a weak point in "snowstorm, a thick fog, and the night."
006 「時間的な視点」と「場所的な視点」で、相手の弱みを突く A rival's weak point is seized on from "a time viewpoint" and "a viewpoint regarding the place."
007 「後尾異常あり」を見抜くために、気を配れ Distribute mind, in order to perceive "the abnormalities at the rear."
008 相手のニーズを汲み取れば、無駄な力を使わずに済む If a rival's needs are taken into consideration, it is not necessary to use useless power.
009 「今でしか」「此処でしか」の物や事を優先する Priority is given to the present condition of "now" and "here."
010 解決法は自分の外側にある、問題は行動することで解決する Solution is on its outside. A problem is solved by acting.
011 情報は足裏で集めよ、見る目、聴く耳、嗅ぎとる鼻を鋭く Collect information by a sole. It is sharp in "the view to see", "the ear to hear", and "the nose to sense."
012 「盗み見」「盗み聞き」は、奨励されるべきだ A "furtive glance" and "eavesdropping" should be encouraged.
013 「質問なし」は、情報と信頼を同時に失う "There is no question" loses information and reliance simultaneously.
014 「何故」を5回繰り返すと、本質が見えてくる Essence can be seen if "why" is repeated 5 times.
015 共通認識を持つためには、「超具体化」が欠かせない "Super-embodiment" is indispensable in order to have a common view.
016 情報は持つだけでは意味がない、解明してこそ生きた情報となる Information is meaningless only by having. It becomes the useful information just by solving.
017 新しい物は、既存情報を創意工夫することで生まれる A new thing is born by carrying out the originality and creativity of the existing information.
018 「二者択一」ではなく、「二者合一」の視点から考える It thinks from the viewpoint of "2 thing union" instead of "an alternative."
019 「報・連・相」+「提」、報連相ができると、提案できる力がつく "A report, connection, and consultation" + "proposal." The power which can be proposed is equipped when "report, connection, and consultation" can be performed.

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.