◆006 「時間的な視点」と「場所的な視点」で、相手の弱みを突く A rival's weak point is seized on from "a time viewpoint" and "a viewpoint regarding the place."
- 解釈:「時間的な視点」と「場所的な視点」とには、それぞれに必ず弱点がある。たとえば、「時間的な視点」の弱点は、警戒部隊の交代時・食事のとき・寝静まったときなどだ。「場所的な視点」の弱点は、警戒配備の手薄な場所だ。これらの情報を共有し、狙いを絞る。
- Literal:A rival's weak point is seized on from "a time viewpoint" and "a viewpoint regarding the place."
- Interpretation:It resembles "a time viewpoint" and "a viewpoint regarding the place", respectively, and there is certainly a weak point in them. For example, the weak points of "a time viewpoint" are the time of a security echelon's shift, the time of - meal and a time of being asleep fast, etc. The weak point of "a viewpoint regarding the place" is a scanty place of watch disposition. These pieces of information is shared and an aim is extracted.
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