GLN 自衛隊の金言集 The collection of maxims of the JSDF.
011 情報は足裏で集めよ、見る目、聴く耳、嗅ぎとる鼻を鋭く Collect information by a sole. It is sharp in "the view to see", "the ear to hear", and "the nose to sense."

  • 解釈:遊撃部隊は、常に敵に接近している。情報は実地に収集できる。即ち、それが、「見る目、聴く耳、嗅ぎとる鼻を鋭く」だ。
  • Literal:Collect information by a sole. It is sharp in "the view to see", "the ear to hear", and "the nose to sense."
  • Interpretation:The search-and-kill mission unit is always approaching the enemy. Information is practically collectable. That is, it is sharp in "the view to see", "the ear to hear", and "the nose to sense."
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.