GLN 自衛隊の金言集 The collection of maxims of the JSDF.
001 先制主導、遊撃部隊の襲撃は奇襲が基本 Initiative initiative. The surprise attacks of a search-and-kill mission unit's attack are foundations.

  • 解釈: 「先制主導」とは、奇襲のように先に仕掛けて主導権を握ること。「先制」とは敵に対して先手を取ること。「主導」とは、自分達(味方)のペースで戦うこと。
  • Literal:Initiative initiative. The surprise attacks of a search-and-kill mission unit's attack are foundations.
  • Interpretation:"Initiative initiative" is devising previously like a surprise attack and having the leadership. The surprise attack of a search-and-kill mission unit's attack is a principle. A surprise attack is launching an attack as it approaches so that it may not be found by the enemy, and the opportunity of correspondence is not given to an enemy. Since it can fight at the pace of an ally if a surprise attack can be made, the percentage of victories increases.
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.