GLN 自衛隊の金言集 The collection of maxims of the JSDF.
第二章 情報伝達術 Communication-of-information way

000 情報は生モノ Information is perishables.

020 誤解のない情報伝達は、奇跡と思え The communication of information without misunderstanding should think a miracle.
021 言葉を染み透らせるには、体と心をほぐしてから In order to make language soak, after loosening the body and mind.
022 「イグニッションプログラム」で相手の心の壁を崩す The wall of a partner's mind is broken down by an "ignition program."
023 「理解は偶然、誤解は当然」と心得る Take knowledge "understanding's chance", "misunderstanding is natural."
024 原理原則を説き、「腹オチ」させる He is explained and convinced of a principle principle.
025 話にインパクトを与える、「五つのポイント」とは Impact is given to the talk. "Five points"
026 失敗談は伝わる、それは具体例なので、親近感を醸し出す A failure story is transmitted. Since it is an example, it brews a sense of closeness.
027 未達成地点こそ、真っ先に報告しなければならない You have to report just an unattainment point first of all.
028 「どうしましょうか」は子供、「こうしましょうか」が大人 "What I shall do" is a child. "I carry out like this" is an adult.
029 相手が未熟なら、工程説明を多く、プロなら結果イメージを伝える If a partner is unripe, process explanation is told in detail. The image of a result is told if a partner is a pro.
030 相手のレベルによって、チェックの頻度を変える The frequency of a check is changed with a partner's level.
031 「スキーで曲がるには、自転車で曲がる感覚を」が有効 "In order to bend on skis, the feeling at which it turns by a bicycle is taught" is effective.
032 「イチ」か「シチ」かの聞き間違いが生死を分ける Mishearing of "Ichi (1)" and "Shichi (7)" divides life and death.
033 箇条書きを身につけ、伝達の混乱を避ける An itemized statement is equipped and the confusion in transfer is avoided.
034 「一令一動」、同時に複数の指示を出さない "One action is carried out by one command." Two or more directions are not issued simultaneously.
035 情報伝達には、メディアをミックスさせる Media are made to mix with communication of information.
036 溜まり水は凍結するが、川の水は流れているので、凍結しない Although accumulated water is frozen, since the water of the river is flowing, it does not freeze.
037 情報は公開と共有が原則、さもなければ自滅を招く Public presentation and the share of information are principles. Otherwise, self-destruction is caused.
038 情報伝達の最終形はマニュアル化 The last form of communication of information is manual-izing.

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.