GLN 自衛隊の金言集 The collection of maxims of the JSDF.
031 「スキーで曲がるには、自転車で曲がる感覚を」が有効 "In order to bend on skis, the feeling at which it turns by a bicycle is taught" is effective.

  • 解釈:イメージが浮かべば、理解と習得のスピードが上がる。「頑張れば出来る」ではなく、「1時間集中してやれば出来る」
  • Literal:In order to bend on skis, the feeling at which it turns by a bicycle is taught" is effective.
  • Interpretation:If an image appears, the speed of an understanding and acquisition will increase. "If you do your best, it can do". Not but, it "can do, if it concentrates for 1 hour."
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.