(1 恥じること。自分の欠点・失敗などを恥ずかしく思うこと。2 それによって名誉や面目が損なわれる行為・事柄。)
  • 解釈:私は恥を覚悟で、昨日の失敗を公表する。
  • Literal:A shame. A disgrace. An embarrassment.
  • Interpretation:I determine on shame, yesterday's failure is published. I announce the yesterday's failure at the risk of shame.

    A person is aware of the significance of the shame by the degree of the quality.
    The saint is a shies person. So a saint is trying not to humiliate oneself.
    Human is just an animal if human removes shame from he being. Because a human being has a sense of honor, he stands in the top of the natural world. The human only good point is to have a sense of honor.
  • Category:My saying
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.