  • 解釈:本源に分類される物:人間・本性・自力本願(自助努力)・自尊心。
  • Literal:The origin vs. vicarious execution (representation).
  • Interpretation:The thing which is classified in origin: A human being, the true character, self-reliance (self-act effort), pride.
    The thing which is classified in representation: The god, reason, reliance upon others, global.

  • 本源:人類の進化を加速し、多種多様な思想哲学が生まれ、多彩な人間模様が展開されるであろう。
    The origin; It accelerates evolution of the human, and a great variety of thought philosophy is born, and various human relations will be developed.
  • 代行:世論(思想哲学)は、「世界は一つ」に収斂(収束)され、一個人の存在感は、微小かつ希薄になるだろう。
    Vicarious execution; An opinion (thought philosophy) converges to "for the world, one". An individual's of existence sense probably becomes minute and thin.
  • Category:My saying
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.