  • 解釈:代行とは、当事者に支障があるときなどに、代わってその職務を行うこと。また、その人。(goo辞書)
  • Literal:Vicarious execution (representation).
  • Interpretation:Switch to a person concerned at time with a trouble and do the work with vicarious execution.

  • 単細胞(生物)は、やがて進化して、自給自足の生物の集団を形成する。
    The single-celled (creature) evolve before long and form the group of self-sufficient creatures.
    The group of self-sufficient creatures (human being) comes to share expertise each to prosper more.
    Or people share a management person in charge, a pioneering person in charge, a food supplier, a cooking person in charge, a child nurture person in charge, a defense person in charge, a living safe person in charge and a comfortable person in charge. Each substitutes each other by sharing the respective roles.

    This is vicarious execution(representation).
    The gods is created as a symbol of vicarious execution.
  • Category:My saying
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.