GLN 自衛隊の金言集 The collection of maxims of the JSDF.
第三章 組織構築術 Communication-of-information way

000 速く進みたければ一人で行け、遠くまで行きたければ皆で行け If you would like to progress quickly, go alone. If you would like to go to a distance, go all together.

039 誰もが代役になれる組織は、どんなトラブルも乗り越えられる The organization of that anyone can play as a substitute can overcome any troubles.
040 「リーダー4原則」知るだけでなく実践する "Leader 4 principle" It not only gets to know, but it practices.
041 「スクランブル力」瞬時の正解は不断の努力が礎となる "Scramble power" The constant efforts of a momentary correct answer serve as the foundation.
042 「仕事の頼み方3原則」引き出すものは、やる気と効率 "How to ask for work, 3 principles." The thing to draw is a motivation and efficiency.
043 自分自身のスキルを磨け、組織体の命は短く個人の命は長い Polish your own skill. The life of an organism is short and an individual life is long.
044 制服は「私」より「公」を優先する制限服である A uniform is restriction dress which gives priority to the "public" than "me."
045 当たり前のことを、当たり前のようにやる Naturally a natural thing is done.
046 24時間に追われろ、何時も時間に追われる感覚を持て Be followed in 24 hours. Have the feeling always followed to time.
047 ○時○分までに雪穴を完成せよ、時間コストに敏感であれ Complete a snow cave by "when." Become sensitive to time cost.
048 「常在戦場」現場任務を能動的独立的に遂行する "It is always in a battlefield." An on-site duty is carried out actively independently.
049 「100-1=0」一人の失敗が全てを無にする "100-1=0." One person's failure makes all nothing.
050 自主裁量の余地を活かす、組織判断を迅速化し、人材を育成する The room of independence discretion is harnessed. Judgment of an organism is quickened and talented people are raised.
051 実戦で1回成功させるために、訓練で100回失敗させる In order to make it successful one time in a battle, training is made to go wrong 100 times.
052 上に立つ者は世界一の見本となれ The person who stands upwards needs to become the No.1 sample of the world.
053 早期発見、早期治療 不確かな点や微細な変化を逃さない Early detection, early treatment Neither an uncertain point nor a detailed change is overlooked.
054 成果が出ない理由@、段取りなくして成果は得られない The reason a result is not obtained "the 1." Since there is no plan, a result is not obtained.
055 成果が出ない理由A、コマメサなくして成果は得られないThe reason a result is not obtained "the 2." Since there is nothing at a precision, a result is not obtained.
056 マズローの法則を活かす、上位の欲求から満たそうとしない Maslow's law is harnessed. It does not try to fill from desire of a higher rank.
057 人それぞれに、マズローの法則があることを知る It gets to know that everybody have Maslow's law, respectively.
058 課題を見過ごす人の六つの弱点@、認識力に関わる問題 Six weak points of the person who overlooks a subject "the 1." The problem in connection with cognitive power.
059 課題を見過ごす人の六つの弱点A、考え方に関する問題 Six weak points of the person who overlooks a subject "the 2." The problem about a view.

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.