  • 解釈:自由奔放な自由にも、ルールがある。
  • Literal:The freedom of people is managed.
  • Interpretation:For the freedom that is freewheelingness, there is a rule.
  • 例えば、For example
    (1)クリスチャンの自由 Freedom of the Christian
    "I am your God who took you out from slave's Egyptian national house." (Deuteronomy 20:2)
    God freed the people who were an Egyptian slave and released it. Then, God granted Moses' Ten Commandments to people. All the people promised that they performed Moses' Ten Commandments.
    Freedom of the Christians is freedom under the rule of following "Moses' Ten Commandments" that is God.

    (2)仏教徒の自由 Freedom of the Buddhist
    Freedom of the Buddhists is to be delivered from it out of pain. As the challenge, you must practice "noble eightfold path". In other words the practice of noble eightfold path virtues is freedom.

    (3)日本人の自由 Japanese freedom  日本人古来の道徳観は、ことわざを取捨選択することである。そのことが社会の一員としての権利でもあり、義務でもある。それは、日本人の自由の観念である。
    The Japanese old mos is to choose "a proverb". It is the right as the social member and is duty. It is an idea of the Japanese freedom.

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  • マイ記憶:自由物語
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.