GLN 自衛隊の金言集 The collection of maxims of the JSDF.
第八章 人間関係術 Human-relations way

000 他人を主語にできる人になれ Become those as for whom others are made to a subject.

142 やりがいとは制限の中で自由を発揮すること Fulfillment is demonstrating freedom in restriction.
143 コミュニケーションは性格の問題ではなく技術の問題 Communication is not a problem of character and is a technical problem.
144 組織の人間関係には目的があることを忘れてはならない Don't forget for there to be the purpose in the human relations of an organization.
145 お近づきになりつつ距離を保つ、「しすぎない」関係を念頭に Distance is maintained, approaching. Please carry out bearing in mind the relation "which is not carried out too much."
146 「棺」と「目間」、キツい相手とつき合うときの処方箋 The prescription when I arrive with a strong-minded partner is "a coffin" and "between eyes" (the middle of the forehead).
147 人づき合いは二つに分ける、仕事だけか、人としてか Association is divided into two. As work and a person.
148 良好な人間関係構築に、つまらないプライドは邪魔 Pride trivial to good human-relations construction is obstructive.
149 人と話をするときは、六〜七割のテンションが最適 When talking with a person, 60-70 percent of a tension is the optimal.
150 雑談の三つのセオリー、会話のウォーミングアップを上手に In idle talk, they are three theories. It is well about the warming up of conversation.
151 笑顔から始める、最も簡単で最も効果がある方法 It starts with a smiling face. It is the easiest and is the method of being the most effective.
152 吐けば楽になる、鎧を脱ぐとリラックスできる It will become easy if it talks. It can relax, if you remove armor.
153 「私もそうなんですよ」、何でもいいから共通点を見つける "So am I." Anything, since it is good, a common feature is found.
154 贈り物をされたときは、喜ぶことが最高の恩返し When a present is given, it is the highest requital of a favor that it is glad.
155 やるかやらないかは、一歩の差であり、万歩の差 It is a difference of one step whether it does or there is nothing, and it is a difference of 10,000 steps.
156 仕事の依頼をスムーズにするメモ、相手に心の準備をしておいてもらう The memo which makes the request for work smooth. It is getting a partner to prepare the mind.
157 やればできる、できれば面白い、面白くやれば、職場は楽しい It can do, if it does. It is interesting if it can do. If it does pleasantly, a place of work is pleasant.
158 失敗は自分の中で静かに消化させる Failure is made to digest calmly in its own.
159 行動に迷ったら、その場にいる目的を再確認する If it wavers in action, the purpose of being on that occasion will be reconfirmed.
160 各々が自分の役割を全うする組織が強い The organization where each fulfills its own role is strong.

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.