GLN 自衛隊の金言集 The collection of maxims of the JSDF.
第四章 組織運営術 Organizational operation way

000 失敗は許せ、嘘は許すな Allow failure. Don't allow the lie.

060 管理の五要素を踏まえれば、ヌケ・モレが防げる If based on five elements of management, it can prevent "escaping" and "leaking."
061 頼み上手は育て上手、どう頼むかで育つスピードが決まる "Request superior" is "bringing-up superior." The speed which grows up by "how it asks" is decided.
062 「三つ」叱って「七つ」ほめる、ほめるところは「やる気の素」 He scolds "three" and it praises "seven." Praising is "base of a motivation."
063 ほめるときは「ほめる」ではなく「ほめまくる」 When praising, it not praising. But "praising earnestly."
064 物を頼むときは「他は吾にあらず」を心する What "others are not me" when asking for a thing is considered.
065 「声がけ」「問いかけ」「働きがけ」で高まる教育効果 An education effect increasing by "it speaking", "it asking", and "it influencing."
066 来る者は拒まず、去る者は少し追う The coming person does not refuse. The last person follows few.
067 稼ぐ人、安い人、余る人、稼ぐ人は仕組みをつくる The person which works, the cheap person, the remaining person. The person which works builds structure.
068 複数の刺激で、五感を目覚めさせる The senses are woken in two or more stimuli.
069 権限移譲 主役と脇役、両方の訓練をさせる "The transfer of authority", "the leading role and a supporting player." Both are made to train.
070 人の成長を促がすことが、最大のコストカットとなる It becomes the greatest cost cut to promote growth of a person.
071 整理整頓の敵、「もったいない」が乱雑の基 The enemy of housekeeping is "wasteful." It is a disorderly basis.
072 失った物を数えない、残った物を数える The lost thing is not counted. The remaining thing is counted.
073 利益は成果の尺度であり、リスクの保険・発展の要件である Profits are the measures of a result. It is the requirements for the insurance and development of a risk.
074 時代の高揚期に危機を、停滞期にチャンスを見出す It worries about a crisis at the upsurge term of a time. A chance is found out at a stagnant period.
075 面白きこともなき世を面白く すみなすものは心なりけり The world which is not interesting is lived pleasantly. It is the mind to decide it.
076 錯視を防ぐ周辺視、視野の焦点を変え、ほころびを発見 It is a surrounding look that prevents an optic illusion. An open seam will be discovered if the focus of a view is changed.
077 「細部に神宿る」、一見の遠回りが効率と質を上げる The god dwells in details. A detour raises efficiency and accuracy at a glance.
078 会議は決定事項をつくるため、アイデア合戦をするため The meeting is to make a decision matter. The meeting is to do an idea battle.
079 アイデアを出す者より、批判する者が優位に立つ風潮はつくらない Rather than the person who proposes an idea, the trend where the person who criticizes stands on predominance is not built.
080 会議3役「進行係、発表係、記録係」を置く Place the program director, the announcement staff, and the recorder as three roles of a meeting.

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.