  • 解釈:あなたは昨年、私の作品展示会に来なかった。今回、あなたから、あなたの展示会へ招待を受けた。しかし、今回は出席したくありません。何故なら、今回のことは、昨年のことよりましだから。
  • Literal:I'm better than you.
  • Interpretation:You didn't come to my work show last year. It was invited by you to your show this time. But I don't want to attend this time. Because this thing is better than last year's thing.

    You are in the difficult present conditions. However, your present conditions will be improved a little if you purchase my product. Your present conditions will turn worse more and more when you do not buy my product. Surely you cry if you do not buy my product. Because it is better to buy my product.

  •  この言葉は、身勝手な言い訳のときに用いられる。
    He uses these words at the time of self-centered excuse.

    These words are usual practices when I persuade you.
    In addition, often I use these words when I threaten you.
  • Category:My saying
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.