  • 解釈:それは、北国を憧憬することだ。
  • Literal:Swan legend.
  • Interpretation:It is to perform an admiration of a northern country.
  • Category:My saying
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The textile of the feather of so-called "swan" (migratory bird) was given an important post as winter clothing from ancient times. For the feather, the ancients (the Japanese race such as queendom of Queen Himiko of the third century) went into the Tohoku district where the Emishi (Ezo) lived in.

They shared time, and, by import and cultivation of the cotton, the clothes filled up. In addition, the technique of the rice growing progressed, too.

In other words, the wetlands are reclaimed; of swans lived, and the place gradually decreased, and the place of the occupation of people engaged in those hunting has been forced by a change.

Most (as for the swan building) of the hall of the Emishi (Ezo) place saying to this book faces the river and are built. It captured a swan, and "the swan hall" which projected into the waterside in this way would be built to treat the feather. As for thought, it which worshipped a swan in after ages, the feather was a holy tribute to the Imperial Court as the emperor. Therefore the common people were forbidden to put on a feather in the body.

The subject of "Swan maiden" and "The Grateful Crane" is an event concerning the feathers. [守]
 【白鳥伝説】  【政子姫の織った羽毛の織物考】  【政子姫の織った羽毛の織物考 OFF LINE

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.