  • 解釈:即ち、それは、神との契約を履行することだ。
  • Literal:Reconciliation with God. (Christianity)
  • Interpretation:In other words, it is to carry out a contract with God.

  • 元々人間は原罪を持っていた。
    A human had original sin originally.
    Therefore there were a human and God in hostile relations.
    Jesus changed a relation between a human and God to friendship from hostile relations as a result of the sacrifice by a cross.
    God is going to permit a human and have mercy.
    A human being receives it, and it is a settlement to carry out a contract with God.
    In other words, the human being must carry out a contract with God.
     そうすれば、 平和(シャーローム)が約束される。
    Then, peaceful (Shah loam) is promised.
  • Category:My saying
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.