  • 解釈:教科書には、表日本のことしか記述されていない……。教科書には、裏日本のことは記述されていない。
  • Literal:Ttwo-faced.
  • Interpretation:To a textbook, only Pacific side of Japan is described. To a textbook, Japan Sea region is not described.

  •  裏日本に生まれ育った彼(A)は、表日本の植物が記述してある教科書で教育を受けてきた。Aは、現在表日本に住んでいるので、このことをあまり気にしていない。Aは社会的に相当な地位を得ているので、全ての植物が表日本要素だと悟っているようにしている。しかし、Aは、内面では疑問を抱いているけれども、二面性を持つことが、社会人として当然だと自認している。
    He which was born and raised in the Japan Sea region caught the education with the textbook that a plant of Pacific side of Japan was described. Because he lives in Pacific side of Japan now, he does not mind this very much. Because he gets a socially considerable position, he realizes it when all plants are Pacific side of Japan elements. However, he admits that it is natural as a member of society to have two-facedness though he has a question in the inside.

    Because the child of his get close to the plant of the Japan Sea region element which the child observed in the fields and mountains nearby at the present, the child is puzzled in the description of the textbook. If the child is going to assert himself, this reality (truly) is attacked the child by a teacher and a classmate. the child stays indoors and it is egocentric and wants to be sometimes filled with deep emotion.

    In other words, in the society, nobody says the truth. It is the paradigm that the member of society should follow not to say the truth. Therefore, the child will continue singing in praise of authority-resisting age unless the child acquires such a social mechanism and two-facedness by experience. Otherwise the child will choose the way to stop-at-home.

  • 裏日本要素
  • My action プログラム OFF LINE
  • ユダヤのことに関するウラオモテ(裏表)

  • Category:My saying
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.