  • 解釈:只管(ひたすら)一つの事に心を集中すること。
  • Literal:Single-mindedly. With one's whole mind.
  • Interpretation:That's to concentrate a mind in one earnestly.

  •  もし、君が「一意専心」を志して大成を望むなら、次のことを成し遂げなければならない。
    If you aim at "single-mindedly" and wish for success, you have to accomplish the next.
    One That's to exceed oneself.
    Two Pioneer's back is seen, and it's to exceed the example.
    Three It's to follow life of a swan.
  • Category:My saying
  • バック Return
一心不乱 Single-mindedness.
  • That's to concentrate a mind in one and not to fascinate in other ones. That's to be enthusiastic about one and not to distract attention in something else.
しかし、これらのことは、自立生活をして、余裕が生じた結果、可能になる。 But after economical margin did independent living, and formed, these things become possible. 【リンク Link】 【リンク Link

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.