GLN 自衛隊の金言集 The collection of maxims of the JSDF.
第六章 計画実行術 Organizational operation way

000 来る物は全て恵み All the coming things are blessings.

096 突破口、できることに一点集中する Breakthrough. One point concentrates on the ability to do.
097 気の進まない仕事には、その気になる行動原理を持つ For work not to advance of the mind, I have a determined ground rule.
098 気分転換のスイッチを持つ、落ち込んだまま物事を進めない It has a switch to refresh. He cannot follow things, fallen.
099 その日のストレスは、自分自身でその日のうちに洗い流す The stress of the day is flushed by itself within the day.
100 できないことを数えるよりも、できたことを数える It is counted it was able to do rather than counting that it cannot do.
101 何時か話せる日を待つ、何時か笑える日を待つ It waits for the day about which it can speak some day. It waits for the day at which it can laugh some day.
102 擦りむいた傷と向き合えるなら、何回転んだって構わない If the abraded crack can be faced, it will not matter, even if it falls over how many times.
103 体サバキは仕事サバキ@、位置関係を把握する "The body is manipulated" "deals with work." (1) Spatial relationship is grasped.
104 体サバキは仕事サバキA、状況に合わせて対応する "The body is manipulated" "deals with work." (2) It corresponds according to a situation.
105 体サバキは仕事サバキB、道具を熟知し素早く反応する "The body is manipulated" "deals with work." (3) It has full knowledge of a tool and reacts quickly.
106 体サバキは仕事サバキC、リズムとバランスを身につける "The body is manipulated" "deals with work." (4) A rhythm and balance are equipped.
107 考えて何もしないより、何かをして後悔する He carries out something and repents rather than it thinks and doing nothing.
108 登った経験のある高さの山ばかりでは、進歩はない There is no progress only about the climbed mountain of experienced height.
109 焦らず、ひたすら頑張らず、しかしあきらめず It does not get impatient. It does not do its best intently. However, it does not give up.
110 アンダー・ザ・テーブルを持つのがプロの流儀 A pro's style has "nondisclosure."
111 初見でこそ周囲を巻き込み、ペースを握る The circumference is involved in at the time of the first sight of the score, and a pace is grasped.
112 輪郭を把握する、たかだか5分が勝負を決める An outline is grasped. A few "five minutes" decide a match.
113 細切れの時間を積み重ね、黄金の時間とする The time of a fragment is accumulated to make golden time.
114 生活に型を持つ、心地よいリズムがいい影響を与える It has a model in a life. A comfortable rhythm has good influence.
115 何をしてもらうかより、何をしてあげられるかを考える It thinks "what you do" than "what I have carried out."
116 仕事は言われてするものではなく、探してするもの It does not work by being said, and looks for and does it.
117 仕事の先送りを防ぐには細分化し、やれるところから始める It subdivides into preventing postponement of work. It starts with the portion which can be done.
118 人は分からないことに怯む The person is daunted by what he does not understand.
119 問題点に気づく人の五つの特性@ 歩みを止めたら退化する The five characteristics of the person who notices a problem. (1) If a pace is stopped, it will degenerate.
120 問題点に気づく人の五つの特性A ムダな慣例に代替案を訴える The five characteristics of the person who notices a problem. (2) It complains(proposes) of alternatives to a useless custom.

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.