◆117 仕事の先送りを防ぐには細分化し、やれるところから始める It subdivides into preventing postponement of work. It starts with the portion which can be done.
- 解釈:先送りの理由。(1)時間がかかる。(2)手順がややこしい。(3)作業内容がよく分からない。(4)今日やらなくても支障がない。
- Literal:It subdivides into preventing postponement of work. It starts with the portion which can be done.
- Interpretation:The reason for postponement. (1) It takes time. (2) A procedure is puzzling. (3) The contents of work are not understood well. (4) It does not have a trouble even if it does not do today.
- 類義:
- 【バック Return】