  • 解釈:この場合のパラダイムとは、規範のことである。
  • Literal:The paradigm of the mother and the child and the social paradigms are separate.
  • Interpretation:The paradigm of this case is a model (= moral, norm, rule).

  •  母としての第一義的な要件は、「母性愛」であろう。母性愛を必死に履行しようとすれば、必然的に、分厚い防護壁で囲って子供たちを守ろうとする。即ち、社会とは隔離された「母子だけの安心安全な居住空間(母子パラダイム)」へと突き進む。
    The primary requirements as mother will be "motherly love". A wall is going to protect children with a thick bulkhead necessarily if going to carry out motherly love desperately. In other words, it charges to the isolated "reliable safe residential space (mother and the child paradigm) only for the mother and the child" with the society.

    On the other hand, the construction of the opening-like paradigm moves the society for the prosperity towards the outside as much as it matures. The social paradigm is updated by rapid progress.

    Therefore, as for it, the child stay indoors if they do not make an effort to connect mother and the child paradigms to a social paradigm sequentially. It has an inferiority complex. Or It jumps into the world of the authority-resisting age.

  • Category:My saying
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.