  • Literal:The tanka (the waka) and the haiku are another thing.
  • Category:My saying
  • バック Return

  •  和歌は、完成された文章である。
    The waka is a finished sentence.

    The haiku is not a finished sentence. The existence of the partner (person appreciating it) is indispensable. The evaluation (meaning) of the phrase is entrusted to a partner.
    When you do not experience climate of Japan when connections are in the season word of the haiku, you cannot understand the meaning of the phrase.
    When you do not understand a Japanese lingering sound to have about the punctuation words of the haiku, you cannot understand the meaning of the phrase.

  • 俳句季語切れ字を織って我が友へ
  • 和歌一首三十一文字の美しく完結された最短詩文
  • 川柳

  • 和歌と俳句と魔字句(majiku,majikku)と
  • 和歌俳句字数無視すりゃそりゃ魔字句
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.