◇「心道」の読み方 Readings.
 こころのみち・ここのみち・このみち / Kokoronomichi・Kokonomichi・Konomichi

◇心道論 Mind way theory.
 それは、They are as follows.
@指針 ‐ (人の道に沿うべく)当然に想定し、
Guideline - (in order to go along the way of the person) naturally I assume it.
A現実 ‐ (良心に基づいて)誠実に言動し、
Reality - (based on conscience) I make a behavior faithfully.
B行跡 ‐ (人生を振り返って)それなりの余韻のある成果を得る。
Behavior - (look back on the life) I get the result of some suggestiveness.

The existence of "God" (as for the Buddha) was recognized to be a dimension different from the human world in the universal religion originally. In other words, it was "God" because there was God in the other dimension.

 その後、仏教においては、概して、「すべての衆生が仏性(=仏心)を持つ」などいわゆる「一切衆生悉有仏性」が説かれてきている。キリスト教においても、「神は心に宿る」との概念が指摘されてきている。【世界宗教の諺(Proverb of the universal religion)
Generally, in the Buddhism, so-called "all creatures may become all Buddha" including "all all creatures have the Buddha-nature (mind of Buddha)" has been preached afterwards. In Christianity, a concept, "God dwells in a mind" is pointed out.

That means, "the true character of the person is the god originally (the person = the god)" awareness is re-recognized again as the history falls.

It would be the practice of "Shinto", which was backed by trialism.

◇心道論の心意気 Spirit of Mind way theory.
@活動空間 ‐ 人(あるいは万物の一つ)としてあるべき十全な活き方であること
Activity space - it is a fullness life should be as a person (one of all things).
A居住環境 ‐ 衣食住や教育文化が十分に行き届いていること
Residence environment - it is that food, clothing and shelter and education culture are perfect enough.
B生涯郷土 ‐ 悔いが無く、有意義な人生行路であること
Life province - there is not regret, and it is to be a significant journey of life.
Mind way theory guarantees way of each person about follows of life. [守]

facebook 心道論
SOH それは、心の象徴だ。

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.