  • 解釈:それは、無益な議論だ。
  • Literal:That circulates through the cause and a result.
  • Interpretation:That's useless argument.
  • Category:My saying
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  • 鶏が先か卵が先か
    Chicken or the egg. A chicken is a point, or is an egg a point?
    "Chicken or the egg" therefore there are various views. It's difficult to discriminate.
    (1) A parent of a chicken is 1 egg in case of a chicken, but the egg the chicken produced comes a lot.
    (2) A parent of egg is 1 hen in case of egg, and a child of egg is 1 chicken likewise.
    When it's infered from this thing.
    (1) Several eggs of parent is a chicken, so it's "by a parent, previous".
    (2) A parent and a child (chick) derive from one egg in case of one egg, so the validity has to think "by egg, previous".
    Therefore by the above, "chicken or the egg", about it would be "by egg, previous".

  • ◇国家が先か、国民が先か
    Nation or people. A nation is a point, or is people a point?
    The nation is built by the people. The nation governs the people, but does not conservation a man directly.
    When the nation is alone, the nation is unnecessary.
    Therefore, a person (the nation is alone) is a point.

  • 資本家(会社)が先か、労働者が先か
    A capitalist or a worker. A capitalist (= company) is a point, or is a worker a point?
    A company is a point, but companies are usually unnecessary when a worker is alone.

  • 生産が先か、消費が先か
    Production or consumption. Production is a point, or is consumption a point?
    Production is a point, but production is usually necessary because there is consumption (there are not supplies). Therefore, consumption is a point.

  • 力士が勝つか、子供が勝つか
    The sumo or children. The sumo wrestler wins, or does children win?
    Children do not match a sumo wrestler.
    Because the sumo wrestler lifts the child readily, and takes out to outside the sumo ring.
    Sumo wrestler's win? No, "accidental foot out". Stepping out of the ring unintentionally.
    The persons concerned doesn't know the result of this game, but a referee and a spectator understand well.
     子供が勝ったのだ。 【リンク Link OFF LINE
    The child won.
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.