  • 解釈:だから、子供に信仰告白(信条)させることは、聖書の宗教にとって最も確実で効果的な手段である。
  • Literal:A child shoulders the original sin which is to the extent it's enormous.
  • Interpretation:Therefore it is the means that is the most certain for religion of the Bible, and is effective to let a child make profession (creed).

    (1) Because the child is innocent, so the behavior is because everything is regarded as "original sin". 【リンク Link OFF LINE
    (2) Therefore the child can perform the profession (creed) for expiating the original sin (innocent naivete) that is Christ in complete form. And a child can go to a country of God. 【リンク Link】  【リンク Link】  【リンク Link OFF LINE】  【リンク Link OFF LINE
    (3) Adult most is a halfway Christian, so it isn't easy to sweep everything of original sin off. It's a herculean task that they go to a country of God.
  • Category:My saying
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.