GLN 自衛隊の金言集 The collection of maxims of the JSDF.
金言力 Maxim power

001 ラストスパート力 Last spurt power.
002 ピンチヒッター力 Pinch hitter power.
003 電光石火力 Lightning speed power.
004 若力 Young power.
005 ホスピタリティ力 Hospitality power.
006 ストレス力 Stress power.
007 育成力 Training power.
008 コンスタント力 Constant power.
009 コラボレーション力 Collaboration power.
010 テンション力 Tension power.

011 逆力 Contrary power.
012 勇力 Courage power.
013 自責追求力 Self-reproach pursuit power.
014 瞬発力 Instantaneous power.
015 火事場の馬鹿力  Brute force of the scene of a fire.
016 友情力 Friendship power.
017 千載一遇力 Rare opportunity power.
018 スクランブル力 Scramble power.
019 分析力 Analysis power.
020 試行錯誤力 Trial and error power.

021 時間管理力 Time management power.
022 プレゼン力 Presentation power.
023 学習力 Study power.
024 決断力 Decision power.
025 包容力 Tolerance power.
026 愛嬌力 Charm power.
027 観力 Observation power.
028 立案能力 Planning capability.
029 突破力 Breakthrough power.
030 組織力 Organization power.

031 地力 Inherent power.
032 ちょっと待った力 "It waited just for a moment" power.
033 まなざし力 Look power.
034 経営力 Management power.
035 ヒーロー力 Hero power.
036 デリカシー力 Delicacy power.
037 メリハリ力 Contrast power.
038 視点力 Viewpoint power.
039 共感力 Sympathy power.
040 インターセプト力 Interception power.

041 プラスα力 Plus alpha power.
042 イメージ力 Image power.
043 志力 Mind power.
044 チームワーク力 Teamwork power.
045 情報処理力 Information processing power.
046 夜明け力 Dawn power.
047 面倒み力 Taking care power.
048 義理と人情力 Obligation and humanity power.
049 起爆力 Explosion power.
050 接近戦力 Combat-at-close-quarters power.

051 根性力 Guts power.
052 余力 Remaining power.
053 徹底力 Thoroughness power.
054 人力 Person power.
055 リーダー力 Leader power.
056 憧れ力 Yearning power.
057 普通力  Usually power.
058 表現力 Expression power.
059 交際力 Relation power.
060 準備力 Preparation power.

061 視野力 View power.
062 危険感力 Dangerous feeling power.
063 即力 Immediately power.
064 提案力 Proposal power.
065 気動力 Energy power.
066 せっぱつまり力 Tension power.
067 自己変革力 Self-change power.

83-001 管理の五要素 Five elements of management.
83-002 5S3定 Five S and three theorems.
83-003 正早安楽 It is just early and comfortable.
83-004 不自由の中でこそ、生きがいがある There is definite aim in life just in being inconvenient.
83-005 システムの中に入れない人 The person who cannot enter into a system.
83-006 笑うこと、それ自体が人間の自然治癒力 Laughing is man's natural healing energy.
83-007 本音を言わないと、本音は返ってこない Unless it says real intention, real intention does not come on the contrary.
83-008 熱くなっても、熱くならない It does not get hot even if it gets hot.
83-009 底を割らない A bottom is not broken.
83-010 自分自身であろう I will be by myself.

83-011 何もしなければ、何も生まれない Nothing comes from nothing.
83-012 現場を踏め Set foot on the spot.
83-013 深々とお辞儀する人へ怒る人は誰もいない There is no man who gets angry to the person who bows deeply.
83-014 100-1=0
83-015 自分の常識は、相手の常識ではない Its common sense is not a partner's common sense.
83-016 会議は、おしゃべりだけではダメ A meeting is useless only by a chat.
83-017 予想外の物を楽しむ An unexpected thing is enjoyed.
83-018 日々の変化を楽しむ A daily change is enjoyed.
83-019 人のいいところを見つけて、相手へ伝える A person's good thing is found and is told to the person.
83-020 制服の重みとバッチの重み Dignity of a uniform, and dignity of a batch.

83-021 あれもこれも Also that and this.
83-022 七つの大罪 Seven major offenses.
83-023 知らないことは、「知らない」と言え Not knowing should say, "It does not know."
83-024 社会人になってからの嘘は、取り返しがつかない Recovery does not tell the lie after becoming a member of society.
83-025 自分の限界を知る Its limit is got to know.
83-026 新人は失敗しても当たり前だ、引っ込み思案にならない Even if a newcomer fails, he is natural. It does not become shy.
83-027 怒られるまでやれ Do until it is scolded.
83-028 同じ間違いは、二度としない The same mistake is never made.
83-029 熱意は、人を動かす Zeal moves people.
83-030 仕事は、結果がすべて Results of work are all.

83-031 笑顔でうなずく Its head is bowed in assent with smile.
83-032 リーダーは、演じること A leader is performing.
83-033 人は信用しても、仕事は信用するな You must not trust his work even if you trust a person.
83-034 自分が思うような魅力ある人間になれるか Will oneself make an expected attractive human being?
83-035 「する」か、「しない」かだ "It carries out"? "It does not carry out"?
83-036 叱った後に、何故叱られたかを答えさせる After scolding, it is made to answer why he was scolded.
83-037 マイナスの第一印象をプラスに変えるのは難しい It is difficult to change the first impression of minus into plus.
83-038 勝利への道を進め Follow the way to a victory.
83-039 自分は、こうありたい He wants to be in this way.
83-040 聴くは効く "Hearing it" is effective.

83-041 原理の物差を認識する The ruler of a principle is recognized.
83-042 質問するのに、知識はいらない Knowledge is not needed although a question is asked.
83-043 クレームは宝の山、ラッキーだと思え A claim is a treasure mountain. Think that it is lucky.
83-044 理屈を言わずに、先頭に立ってやる The lead is taken, without saying reason.
83-045 組織体の盛衰は、トイレを見たら分かる The rise and fall of an organism are known when seeing a toilet.
83-046 サービス業は、常にローテクだ The service industry is always low-tech.
83-047 過去に生きるのではなく、今明日に生きる It did not live in the past but lives now for tomorrow.
83-048 勝つことは、己に勝つこと、他人に勝つことではない Winning is winning oneself. It is not winning others.
83-049 自分の敵は、昨日の自分 His enemy is yesterday's himself.
83-050 今日はこの時間しかない、今を精一杯に生きる There is only this time today. Now is lived as hard as possible.

83-051 普通に生きることが、一番難しい It is most difficult to live ordinarily.
83-052 考えることをしない人にとっては、辛い時代だ For the person who does not do what is considered, it is a hot time.
83-053 サービスは、技術より温もり Service is warmth than technology.
83-054 技術ではベテランに勝てないが、コミュニケーションなら勝てることがある Although a veteran cannot be defeated with technology, it may be able to win, if it is communication.
83-055 スポーツのように仕事をしろ Work like a sport.
83-056 100回失敗しても、最後の1回成功すれば、すべては成功のための苦労話になる If the last is successful once even if it fails 100 times, all will become a difficulties talk for a success.
83-057 給料に見合う働きをしろ Carry out work corresponding to a salary.
83-058 空を見て、好きな形の雲を探せ See the sky and look for the clouds of a favorite form.
83-059 当たり前のことを、当たり前にし続ける Naturally doing a natural thing is continued.
83-060 組織体の看板や肩書きが外れたときの自分自身を客観視できるか Can you regard oneself when a signboard and the title of the body came off as objectivity?

83-061 自分自身が商品 I myself am goods.
83-062 慮る(おもんぱかる) It considers.
83-063 何でも話題して、タブーを作らない Subject is carried out for anything and a taboo is not made.
83-064 本当にギブアップか? どこまで耐えられるか? Is it really giving up? How to the end can it bear?
83-065 サービス業の本質はノウハウ The essence of a service industry is know-how.
83-066 偉大な人は正しい方向に向かってコツコツ、農民のように努力したに過ぎない The great person only tried like a farmer hard toward the right direction.
83-067 許せない人がいてキレそうになったら、本気でその人を大切にしてみる If there is a person not to be able to forgive, and you almost go berserk, you try to take good care of him seriously.
83-068 忙しいときこそ、細かいことに気をつける Just when busy, it takes care about a fine thing.
83-069 自分自身の分身を作る You make your own other self.
83-070 情熱に勝る技術なし、やる気に勝る能力なし There is no technology of excelling passion. It does not have the ability to excel a motivation.

83-071 「コストは?」の癖をつける It makes "for cost to be ?" into a custom.
83-072 組織体のお金を自分のお金だと思って使え Use the money of an organism, regarding it as it being its own money.
83-073 人を動かし、自分の時間を作る People are moved and its time is made.
83-074 どんなことからでも学べ Learn from anything.
83-075 上司の限界を学ぼう Let's study a boss's limit.
83-076 安全弁を外して生きよ Remove a safety valve and live.
83-077 問診が名医を作る Oral consultation makes a skilled physician.
83-078 望成目標(できればここまでやりたい目標)、必成目標(必ずやり遂げるべき目標) A target to do so far if it can do. The target which should certainly be finished.
83-079 記憶を過信するな Don't overestimate memory.
83-080 目標の四原則 Four target principles.

83-081 工夫のスキル Skill of a device.
83-082 機会教育 Opportunity education.
83-083 三つの勇気 Three courage.

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.