GLN 自衛隊の金言集 The collection of maxims of the JSDF.
第七章 人心掌握術 Human nature Control Way

000 強さとは、他人を優先すること Strength is giving priority to others.

121 敵の死命を制する、心を制する者がすべてを制する It has an enemy's fate in its hands. And the person who controls the mind controls all.
122 相手の名前を呼ぶ、あなたは特別な存在だと思わせる A partner's name is called. He is made to think "you are a special existence."
123 好意の返報性、好きではない人にこそ好意を示す Requital nature of good will. Since it is a person whom he does not like, good will is shown.
124 仕事では頭を使い、人間関係では心を使え Use the head at work. Use the mind in human relations.
125 「頑張れ!」より「頑張っているね」と現状肯定する Than "do your best", the present condition is affirmed "Whether to do its best."
126 聴くは効く@ 答えはその人自身が持っている "It is listened" is effective. (1) The person itself has the answer.
127 聴くは効くA 情報収集は聴くことから始まる "It is listened" is effective. (2) Information gathering begins from listening it.
128 「君に頼んでよかった」、オンリーワンの存在として認める "You could be asked." He is accepted as existence of onlyone.
129 「いま○○さんが言ったように」、引用は好意を持ってもらう秘訣 "Mr. So-and-so said now." Quotation is a secret in which I have good will have.
130 良識を武器とする、人は礼をわきまえる人を嫌わない Let good sense be arms. A person does not dislike the man who understands a greeting.
131 自分の常識は相手の常識ではない、相手を知り自分を伝える Its common sense is not a partner's common sense. A partner is got to know and oneself is told.
132 会話を弾ませる五つの行動、聴くことがすべて Five actions which make conversation offer. It is all that it hears it.
133 人を動かすものは準備と熱意、過酷な訓練にもついてくる理由 It is preparation and the zeal which move people. It is a reason for coming also by severe training therefore.
134 動かすか、休ませるか、チームとして成果を上げるために "It moves a member" to achieve the result as the team or "it lets a member take a rest".
135 弱者の視点を持つ、それは上司の問題かもしれない It has the weak's viewpoint. It may be a boss's problem.
136 人生は仮面劇、感情を制御し役割を全うする Life is a masque. Feeling is controlled and a role is fulfilled.
137 強い自分を演出する、リーダーの感情は部隊に伝染する Strong oneself is directed. A leader's feeling is transmitted to a unit.
138 率先垂範、先頭に立つことがリーダーの仕事 Setting a good example. It is a leader's work to take the lead.
139 戦車出身の訓練生は、戦車戦闘の特色を出せ The trainee of a tank graduate needs to take out the special feature of a tank battle.
140 「降下準備! 位置につけ!」、声を出すと行動を始めやすくなる "Descent preparation! Reach a position! " If voice is uttered, it will become easy to begin action.
141 遊びの四要素を活用する、集中力を保たせる工夫 Four elements of play are utilized. It is a device to which concentration is maintained.

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.