GLN 自衛隊の金言集 The collection of maxims of the JSDF.
第五章 目標立案術 Organizational operation way

000 「正早安楽」、「必成目標と望成目標」 "Exact, quick, a cost cut and reduction of labor", "an indispensable target and a wish target".

081 「挟差法」、大枠で物事を捉え小枠の道を決める Things are caught by a large frame. Next, the way of a small frame is decided.
082 「目標設定四原則」、人はそんなに強くないを前提にする "Goal setting 4 principle." It is premised on "a person is not so strong."
083 理想を目標にしない、最終着地点だけを見ては挫折しがち It does not aim at an ideal. Because, it is since it may suffer a setback if only the last landing site is seen.
084 目標は区切る、区切った時点で半分達成も同じ A target is divided. If it divides, it is the same in having carried out half achievement.
085 目標を腐らせない、やる気と行動は徐々に衰えるもの A target is not decayed. Because, it is since a motivation and action decline gradually.
086 「期日目標と頻度目標」、行動の指針は二つの目標に分ける "A date target and a frequency target." The indicator of action is divided into two targets.
087 「反転攻勢」、守りはいずれ勝つための充電時間 "Reversal offensive." Defence is the charging time for winning someday.
088 目標は身近の真似たい人で「見える化」を計る A target uses as a sample the person who is close.
089 目標立案には達成のための事前準備を含めておく When drawing up a target, the advance preparations for achievement are included.
090 千手先を読む、仕事のあらすじは事前に考えておく 1000 ways are read. In advance, the outline of work is considered.
091 実務者と創造者、幹部として選ばれるのは創造者 A working member and a creator. A creator is chosen as management.
092 30%の予備戦力を持つことで成功率が上がる A strike rate goes up by having 30% of reserve military power.
093 戦力の「逐次投入」と「集中発揮」を間違えない "Supplying one by one" and "intensive exertion" of military power are not mistaken.
094 目標は「上書き」して成長を実感する A target "is overwritten" (it adds to the last target), and realizes growth.
095 困難に出合ったとき「なんくるないさ」を思い出す When it meets difficult, it remembers "it becomes somehow."

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.