多岐亡羊 Taki-bouyou.

  • 解釈:学問の道が細分化しすぎて真理を得がたいこと。転じて、幾つもの方針があるため、どれを選ぶべきか迷ってしまうことのたとえ。「岐」は、枝道・分かれ道のこと。「亡」は、逃げるという意味。
  • Literal:Since there were many byways, the sheep was missed.
  • Interpretation:Since learning is subdivided, it is difficult to acquire the truth. Since there are many plans, it is bewildered by choosing. In too much dispute truth is lost.
  • 類義:岐路亡羊。亡羊の嘆。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.