流連荒亡 Ryuuren-koubou.

  • 解釈:遊興や狩猟に熱中して家に帰るのを忘れること。「流」も「連」も、流れに任せて舟遊びに耽(ふけ)る意。「荒」は貴重な時日を荒(すさ)んで送り、「亡」は政治を怠り失うという意。
  • Literal:Boating was left and carried out to the flow, the precious date was spent vainly, and politics was neglected.
  • Interpretation:It is forgetting to be absorbed in playing around or hunting and to go home.
  • 類義:
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.