◆いろはかるた Iroha Garuta. ‐ いろはかるた TOP Iroha Garuta.

◇「いろはかるた」とは Iroha Garuta.
Iroha Garuta is an easier-to-understand card for children, similar to Uta-garuta and Hyakunin Isshu.

「いろはかるた」 は、「色は匂へど散りぬるを、我が世誰ぞ常ならむ、有為(うゐ)の奥山 今日越えて、浅き夢見じ酔(ゑ)ひもせず」(涅槃経)と言う仏教精神を和文で表わしたと言われる「いろは歌」47文字と、「京」を合わせた48文字を、句の頭において作った短歌のかるたです。
The "verse of Japanese alphabet", The Buddhism soul of "Iro ha nihoheto chirinuru wo wakayo tareso tsunenaramu uwinookyama kefu koete asaki yumemishi wehimo sesu." It is said that it expressed with Japanese. 47 characters of this "verse of Japanese alphabet" and 48 characters which united the "Kyoto; capital" were made in the head of a phrase. "Iroha Garuta" is cards of a Japanese poem of 31 syllables.

 この 「いろはかるた」 は、江戸中期に京都で作られ、大阪、名古屋、江戸に広がってきたと言われています。
This "Iroha Garuta" was made in the middle of Edo in Kyoto. It is said that it has spread in Osaka, Nagoya, and Edo.

In this paper, Iroha Garuta of Edo, Osaka, and Kyoto is introduced.

GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.