一寸の虫にも、五分の魂 1sun no mushi nimo, 5bu no tamashii.

  • 解釈:つまらぬと思える者にもそれ相当の意地や思慮があるから、侮ってはいけないというたとえ。
  • Literal:There is a soul of five "bu" (unit of length) also in the insect of one "sun" (unit of length).
  • Interpretation:Also to a little insect, it is a soul of half a sum. Don't despise accessories. Even a worm will turn.
  • 類義:粉糠(こぬか)にも根性。蛞蝓(なめくじ)にも角。匹夫(ひっぷ)も志を奪う可からず。痩腕にも骨。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.