GLN 金言名言 Maxim. Wise saying.

K 自然科学 Natural science、動植物 Animals and plants ‐ K-35 動物 Animal

◇手中の雀は、屋上の鳩に優る A sparrow in its hands surpasses the pigeon of the roof. 独国俚諺 German proverb

◇ロバはロバには美しく、豚も豚には美しい A donkey is beautiful to a donkey and a pig is also beautiful to a pig. ラテン俚諺 Latin proverb

◇素直に動く馬には、拍車をかけるな Don't accelerate the horse which moves obediently. The horse moving obediently, Do not spur. 伊国俚諺 Italian proverb

◇好く飼い方と汚い厩とは、良馬を作る A horse with the good way of keeping and a dirty sufficient stable is made. デンマーク俚諺 Danish proverb

◇馬と詩人とは養うべくして、飽食せしむべからず Although a horse and the poet have to support, they must not do gluttony. シャルル十五世

◇野獣は、人間よりも、人間の親切さを感ずることが深い 野生動物に関しては、人より人の親切を感じるほうが深い。バルワー

◇妙な牡牛が、物思わしげな眼を、ちょいちょいと戸口に向ける A strange ox sometimes turns the eyes which seem to let be deep in thought to the doorway. 古諺 Old proverb

◇彼は、牡牛を舌の上にのせて居る He rides an ox on a tongue. ギリシャ俚諺 Greece proverb リンク

◇狼が狼を知る如く、盗賊は盗賊を知る As wolf knows wolf, a thief gets to know a thief. 英国俚諺 British proverb

◇鶏卵を砕かなければ、オムレツを製することが出来ない An omelet cannot be manufactured if a chicken egg is not broken. ナポレオン リンク

◇魚価が牛価より高い町は、滅亡の前兆である The town where a price of fish is higher than cow value is a sign of a downfall. ケート

◇魚の棲まない川に網を打つのは、無駄である It is useless to strike a net to the river in which a fish does not live. イスパニア俚諺 Spain proverb

◇猫の居ぬ間に鼠は躍る A rat is danced while a cat is not. 仏国俚諺 France proverb リンク

◇老鶏が時を作ると、雛鶏が真似をする If the elderly roster makes time, a chicken will imitate. 英国俚諺 British proverb

◇金の指環をはめても、猿は猿である A monkey is a monkey even if it puts a golden ring. 英国俚諺 British proverb

◇まだ捕えぬ魚は、焼くな Don't broil the fish which is not caught yet. 英国俚諺 British proverb

◇釣落した魚は、大きく思われる The fish which it failed to fish is considered to be large. 英国俚諺 British proverb リンク

◇枝の上に棲む小鳥が歌うが故に我もまた歌う、その咽より囀りいずる唄こそは、豊かにねぎらう報償である Since the little bird which lives on a branch sings, I also sing. Only the song sing from the throat of a little bird is the compensation appreciated richly.

◇魚は海中に棲むが…恰かも人間が陸上でなす如く、大きい奴が小さな奴を食うのじゃ A fish lives all over the sea. It "eats the guy that a big guy is small" so that a human being does it in the land.

◇魚は三度泳がねばならぬ、一度は水の中に、二度目はソースの中に、三度目は胃の中に The fish must swim three times. Once in water. The second in a sauce. The third in stomach. 英国俚諺 British proverb

◇魚に泳ぎを教えるな Don't teach swimming to a fish. 英国俚諺 British proverb

◇雑魚のお蔭で鯖(カマス)は大きく見える Mackerel (barracuda) looks large, thanks to small fish. 独国俚諺 German proverb

◇神は、鳥達に食物を与えたが、鳥達はそれを取るに飛ばなくてはならぬ Although God gave food to birds, birds must fly, in order to take it. オランダ俚諺 Netherlands proverb

◇好く漁せんとしたら、海に行け If you would like to carry out a bumper fish crop, go to the sea. 英国俚諺 British proverb

◇「…かも知れん」も実に結構だが、何と言っても「…ねばならぬ」が主人である "Or is not found so" is very splendid. However, whatever it may say, a master is "having to make it such." 英国俚諺 British proverb

◇チャボも鳴き声は大きい The cry of a bantam is loud also. 英国俚諺 British proverb

◇印度の猛虎等は、各々獰猛なる牝虎を伴って、不断の平和に住し、粗暴の熊等も相互の間には親善するに、人間は呪われたる鉄砧の上に必殺の剣を鍛えて改悛する所なし The ferocious tiger of India lives peacefully constant with the tiger of a ferocious female respectively. Goodwill of the rough bear etc. is carried out between mutual. On cursed stithy, man will not train and repent of a mortal sword. ジュヴェナル

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