自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆裸婦像は、二元論キリスト教の屁理屈だ。The nude figure is a dualist Christian quibble.〔嫉妬心の代償・自己矛盾〕
 さて、ご案内のように、二元論聖書宗教の神(聖書記者)は、ヒトから感情の本源である「嫉妬心 Jealousy」を奪った見返りとして、止むを得ず人々のフリーセックスを認めました。(>_<)(>_<)(>_<)(>_<)
Now, as you can see, God of Dualism bible religion (Bible reporters) inevitably are allowed people to have free sex as a reward for depriving human of " the source of emotions jealousy.
The reason is that if a sexual instinct jealousy is robbed from a human, it will go wild.
Therefore, morality is disturbed. The society will go confused.

As such, it is not difficult inferred that saint-painters with ancestors of Jewish priests (priests etc.) devoted themselves to drawing "female nudity" and escaped one part of life from the real world.
If you are a normal man, the nude image usually seen in the West will stir up your sexual instincts.

If the man feels nothing and can remain calm, the person is a mastermind.
The reason is that the mastermind of the brainwashing campaign.
In addition, the price of "Robbery of jealousy" is described below.
When viewing nude women's paintings as works of art or holy paintings at art museums, etc., they can be seen calmly, but if such nudes are listed at home, it can cause a collapse of the family.
As for mixed bathing in hot spring areas, it can be kept calm by the bathing atmosphere and the short bathing time.
"Robbery of jealousy" has been passed on to the destruction of sexual ethics such as the fall of the sacred painting (becoming nude), free sex, beastization (snake marriage), etc. It will fall into the inferiority level cultural standard and anti-public order and moral.
In addition, harmful effects such as LGB becoming public and honeytrap rampant are also observed.
Honey traps are a common practice of the Frankfurt School (Communist Revolution).
Still, the reason why we maintain a slightly humane society is that the natural healing power (normalization function) is functioning.

Note: Youth (virgin virgins) are more precious than angels.
Because they play a valuable and important role in building public peace(happiness satisfaction).

◇参考:フリーセックスは、蛇婚の道だ。Free sex is the way of a snake's marriage.
◇参考:処女童貞 フリーセックスは「反性倫理」「反公序良俗」だ。Free sex is 'anti-ethics' and 'anti-public order and morals'.
◇参照 :犯罪の陰に女ありThere is a woman in the shadow of the crime.
◇参照 : 洗脳キャンペーンとは
◇参照 : 黒幕は、表舞台に現れるな。The mastermind should not appear on the front stage.
◇参照 : 何故聖書記者は、黒幕になったのか? Why did the Bible reporter become a mastermind.
◇参照 : 幸福への道 Rord to happiness
◇参照 : 三元論の適用(実践研究)幸福の実現



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