自由への道 Road that branches to freedom.
「幸福への道」TOP Rord to happiness
「幸福への道」Rord to happiness(兼 聖書記者とは誰か? Who is a Bible reporter?)
The motto (One World) is action (practice activity) to choose "Rord that branches to happiness".
〔キーワード : Keyword〕〔合言葉【世界は一つ】、それは、「幸福への道を」を選択する行動(実践活動)です。
The motto (One World) is action (practice activity) to choose "Rord that branches to happiness".〕

◇幸福への道 Rord to happiness.
It is the way to save the dualism "tragedy of thought and religion".
It promises "realization of Public peace".

[Freedom Equality] is a concept of dualism thought religion only.
The "God of Bible religion" has taken away the human "Jealousy".
Jealousy is the root of human emotions. God of dualism has taken its roots from humans.
Therefore, humans have also lost the "quality (courtesy, morality, conscience)" that weaves through emotions. Humans also lost sexual ethics (= chastity). Humans also lost a sense of shame.
For this reason, it is nonsense to discuss "freedom (freedom of choice), equality (Sense of fairness)".
"Freedom and equality" is a word that fools people. It's a word that tricks people.

So why was the "Jealous God" born?

 聖書記者とは誰か? Who is a Bible reporter?
In the old days, droughts sometimes hit the Mediterranean, and people suffered from hunger.
At that time, the Jewish people played the role of priests.
Jewish priests studied theology for generations to fulfill their role.
The Jewish priests were respected by people as sages, but even if they prayed for "rainfall" to Heaven god, Heaven no longer heard the priest's petition.
People began to rumor that "Heaven is a whimsical god(Jealous god)".
Even though the Jewish priests eagerly prayed, Heaven no longer responded, so people began to alienate priests.
he Jewish priests were eventually abused by the people and Jewish people had to be scattered all over the world.
They who was discrete and wise devised to revenge on people.

They became Bible reporters and wrote Bible(story), so that only themselves are in favor of.

 即ち、That is.
Jealous God saves only the Jewish people.
Jewish people can dominate people in the name of God.
To that end, the Jewish people must fulfill Denial of nature, "asochism" , "confession of faith" that conform to dualism. In other words, the Jewish people contributed "feelings" to God.
Since these acts are against human way of life, Judaic people place importance on the "religious leader" Guidance management system.
Well then, I want to think that "the dualism Bible story" is a tragedy.

聖書記者は、何故、神と人々とを隔絶させたのか? Why did Bible reporters isolate God from people?

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