自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆静態は、人生観を変える。Stillness can change your outlook on life.〔発想の転換・ヒコバエ・イネのひこばえ(再生)・不倶戴天・円環思想(循環思想)・静態の時間〕
Since ancient times, advocates have traditionally used a political (or theoretic) approach, assuming the current situation (the premise) as "negative" and presenting various assumptions in order to recover from the negative.
For example, it is "Original sin" in the Dualism Bible religion. In dualism Buddhism, it is "Suffering."

◆参照既掲載: [静態]心身統一システム本能についてAbout mind and body unification system instinct.

The reality of human beings is actually storing natural healing power (justice).
This is because the wilted rice sucker (regeneration) of the dead cocoon grows. Even if it dies, it will regenerate.
This means that if you lose with Irreconcilable, you have a bright future. Resurrected.

In other words, do not regard defeat as death (the end = destruction), but consider it as the outpost of regeneration.
In other words, the end is not destroyed (negative). Or it is not a penance to overcome the hardship of reincarnation. It would like to think that the time is stillness (≒ still, pause, stop).
For example, on the right side of the front, the night is a resting time.
Night is stillness time. But in fact, on the wrong side, at night, we digest things we eat during the day, repair our exhausted body, and prepare for the next day's activities.
In other words, the right side is playing an important role for survival in the time of stillness, in the wrong side.
The wrong side is not a penance about the curse of reincarnation that hangs negatively. It can be thought of as a part of Circular idea.
 更に言及しますと、地下に潜って復讐のために悶々と策略を巡らしている聖書記者(黒幕 Wire-puller)の立場は、それは、実は、静態の時間=貴重な人生体験だと考えたいと思います。
Furthermore, the position of the Bible reporter (Wire-puller) who dives under the ground for revenge and wants to think that it is actually a moment of stillness = precious life experience. I think.
Please come up to the glorious earth as soon as you think.

Now, we need to reconsider our thinking on the two points of "Original sin" and "Suffering".
(1) Regarding "sin and uncleanness," all humans attach during the growth process.
This does not need to be highlighted.
This is a Shinto performs exorcism that can be solved immediately.

(2) There is no problem with "Suffering" if it is regarded as an event (one stage) of Circular idea.

As above, please review Trialism.
How do you think?

◇参照 : 神道のお祓い : 祓戸大神の役目 The role of Haraedo no Okami.
◇参照 : 円環思想 Circular idea
◇参照 : 世界は一つ ONE WORLD 救世職務の貢献活動
◇参照:根っこは、全て此処(牧場)に帰する。All roots go back here (ranch).
◇参照 : 統一システム : プラセボ効果の誤用について About misuse of placebo effect.
◇参照 : 洗脳キャンペーンとは
◇参照:洗脳キャンペーン(マインドコントロール)は、公序良俗社会を壊す。The brainwashing campaign (mind control) breaks public order and moral society.
◇参照 : 幸福への道 Rord to happiness
◇参照 : 三元論の適用(実践研究)幸福の実現



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