自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆洗脳キャンペーン(マインドコントロール)は、公序良俗社会を壊す。The brainwashing campaign (mind control) breaks public order and moral society.
Binary biblical religion (Christianity, Islam, Jewish thought, globalism, communism) is an idea of Aabsolute monotheism (Doctrine / Platform) that aims at the so-called "Irreconcilable".

Therefore, the dualism Bible religion forces a brainwashing campaign (mind control).
The THe brainwashing campaign of Dualism biblical religion breaks public order and moral society.
In other words, it forces people to "deny the past".
Denies "humanity" and "public order and moral society".
On the other hand, we recommend the free sex (beasting / snake marriage), double standard (sly person / liar).
Therefore, it is aimed at the arrival of a "disorderly crowd" society.

 私達は「世界は一つ ONE WORLD」を実現するため、上記のような、二元論世界宗教=せこい自己本位の世界観=洗脳キャンペーンを阻止する必要に迫られています。
In order to realize "ONE WORLD", we need to stop the dualism world religion = the world of stingy self-oriented world = brainwashing campaign.
 私達の「世界は一つ ONE WORLD」活動は、日本の心(=日本教=日本習合思想)を包括する立場で、GCZ三元論を効果的に展開して行く決意です。
Our "ONE WORLD" activity is a determination to effectively develop the GCZ Trialism from the standpoint of encompassing themind of Japan (= Japanese religion = Japanese syncretism thought).
Therefore, we will promote "contribution activities for salvation duties".
For the cultural standard, let's realize open freedom equality and coexistence and co-prosperity of the world. The leading role is people.

◇参照:根っこは、全て此処(牧場)に帰する。All roots go back here (ranch).
◇参照 : 洗脳キャンペーンとは
◇参照 : 心身統一システム本能について About mind and body unification system instinct.
◇参照 : 世界は一つ ONE WORLD 救世職務の貢献活動
◇参照 : 日本の心
◇参照 : 幸福への道 Rord to happiness
◇参照 : 三元論の適用(実践研究)幸福の実現



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