自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆無差別テロ行為は、人非人の知能程度の低レベル知能だ。Indiscriminate acts of terrorism are low-level intelligence that is as high as that of Brute.〔知能程度・エネルギー源・無暗に天敵・道を究める・霊長類人間・食糧難・灌漑設備・働く美学〕
<政治体制>Political system〔GCZ〕
 そうです。あなた方が、無差別テロをしようとするエネルギー源を持っているなら、私達GCZ ONE WORLDが提唱する、政治体制「大気ネットワーク」の展開にそのエネルギーを使って下さい。
That's right. If you have an energy source for indiscriminate terrorism, please use that energy to develop the Political system "Atmosphere Network" advocated by us, GCZ ONE WORLD.
That's right. Please utilize the energy source and work hard to create a public peaceful world.
In this case, this must be preserved for the specific culture within the zone.

By the way, you must not foolishly challenge the natural enemies.
Please consider the following when you challenge the natural enemy.
◇参照 : 「道」道を究める・ヒトの道 Master the way, Human way.〔修業・日本の心の原点〕
You embody this and face the natural enemy (=wonder of nature).
And you should make full use of the primate human brain.

That's right. Indiscriminate terrorism is a low level of intelligence that is unthinkable as a primate. It's embarrassing. That's not good. I can't believe it.
That's right. If you had an energy source that could lead to indiscriminate terrorism, we would work together to build irrigation facilities and infrastructure for people suffering from food shortages, etc. I want you to work with me.

That way, you can experience a sense of well-being and satisfaction that you have never experienced.
That's right. It is sweating and working. It's about sweating and thinking. It's about sweating and contributing.
That's right. It's to work beautifully. It is a working aesthetic.
In other words, you should escape from the stingy self-oriented world view like the Bible story and try to embody the mutual trust world view of GCZ Trialism.

In the first place, indiscriminate terrorism is a poisoning thought derived from the fundamental thought of the Bible story.
The ideas devised by pests are never justice. That's not good.
Wake up from the nightmare of Bible story thinking right away. It's arrogant. It's greed. It's inferior, It's Brute.
Because that nightmare is a double standard (liar, hoax, scammer, cheat, Spy) human illness.
That's right. Because that nightmare is a fundamentally evil.
Then, you should sweat to reach a sense of reality (= placebo effect = awareness of natural healing power).
Then you can crawl out of the dark cave.
That's right. That is your earth of glory.

As mentioned above, in this , we have talked about the unnecessary theory of Ruler.
That's right. It can be inferred that the so-called "non-discrimination" is actually a conspiracy by the Wire-puller-pastoral association (= ruling class).
Because these "non-discrimination theories" argue that treated people should be treated the same as ordinary people, but they are defined as "discriminated people" and they are treated as hypocrisy.
In other words, the nondiscrimination theory clearly distinguishes the victims.
That's right. And it has the intention to treat the discriminated person as a sheep on the sheep farm (= deprivation of liberty, ignoring human rights).
Further speculating, the anti-discrimination theory tries to control people by the Bible story sect (= Judah thought, Communism, etc.). This is not good.

 私達 GCZ ONE WORLDは、「世界中に蔓延しつつある二元論症候群を封じ込めるための命題を背負っています。(・_・)
We at GCZ ONE WORLD say, "We carry a proposition to contain the dualism syndrome that is spreading all over the world.

This is because a person with Dual theory syndrome is housed like a sheep on a ranch, driven to the exit (= slaughterhouse = cave of darkness), and mutated to double standard humans.
No such non-human treatment should be taken.

 私達 GCZ ONE WORLDは、心を一つにして、ヒツジ牧場主の牧師(=教会=黒幕)による洗脳キャンペーンを断乎阻止しなければなりません。
We, the GCZ ONE WORLD, must unite ourminds and prevent the brainwashing campaign by the pastor of the sheep farmer (= church = Wire-puller).

▼二元論症候群 Dualism syndrome(兼後遺症 cumulative sequelae)
【2】二元論聖書物語病(=ユダヤ思想病・共産主義病・過去否定病)Dualism Bible story disease (= Jewish thought disease, communist disease, past denial disease)
【3】二重基準(嘘つき・デマ屋・詐欺師・ずるい・Spy)病 Double standard disease (liar, hoax, scammer, cheat, Spy)
【4】黒幕病 Wire-puller disease
【5】不倶戴天思想病 Irreconcilable thought disease
【6】西洋思想病(=リベラル病)Western thought disease (= Liberal disease)
【7】プロテスト病(=何でも反対病)Protest disease (= Disease of 'anything against')
【8】デュープス病 Dupes disease
〔第1稿 2020.08.04〕

◇参照 : 原罪主義病は、無差別テロに発展する。Original sinism disease develops into indiscriminate terrorism.〔無差別テロ病・被差別者・偽装支援者・聖書物語思想病・害毒・害毒思想病・相互信用世界観〕
◇参照 : トラウマ思想病からの解放 Liberation from Trauma thought disease.〔心身統一システム本能・静態期・現実覚二元論症候群・二元論聖書物語病・二重基準病・曙光〕
◇参照 : 円環の思想
◇参照 : 鹿角の歴史の謎/円環の思想
◇参照 : 電磁波・霊魂についての考察 Considerations about electromagnetic waves and souls.〔アイコンスターシステム〕
◇参照 : ふるさとの山の原風景は、未来像 マイジグソーパズルだ。〔巨峰・祖先の神(祖霊)・未来像 マイジグソーパズル〕
◇参照 : 心身統一システム本能について About mind and body unification system instinct.
◇参照 : ベーシックインカム病のフィクション汗は、ヒトを幸福にする。Basic income disease fiction sweat makes people happy.〔労作・幸福感満足感・親切心・霊長類としての立場・勤労思想・人類皆勤労思想・機会均等社会・安寧〕
◇参照 : GCZ政治体制は、大気ネットワークを趣旨とする。GCZ political system aims at the atmospheric network.〔神経系ネットワーク・血管ネットワーク・大気密度・支配階級・政府機関・公僕・民主主義〕
◇参照 : 「幸福への道」Rord to happiness(兼 聖書記者とは誰か? Who is a Bible reporter?)
◇参照 : 何故聖書記者は、黒幕になったのか? Why did the Bible reporter become a mastermind (wirepuller).

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