自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆霊長類人類が辿り着いた「道」とは?What is the 'way' that primates have reached.〔良心・常道・心象・ヒトの道・心の証・雌雄を決する・人非人・世界観・隈なく充満・行き渡る〕
<政治体制>Political system〔GCZ〕
That way is the "conscience".
As you can see, politics is always based on "conscience and public order and morals."

The conscience is a valuable impression (=the source of the mind) that convinces other people (=others) even if humans do not use their strength.
 良心は、ヒトが、@腕力を行使しないで、 A頭脳をフルに活用して、 B考案されて辿り着いた道(=ヒトの道=心象)です。
The conscience is that humans don't (1) exercise their strength,
A Make full use of your brain,
B It is a road that was devised and reached (= Human way = impression).
A conscience is a testament to a wonderful mind that no other living creature can ever imagine.
Therefore, "to settle" by physical strength alone is a brute's method (= vulgarity = the weak thought). That's not good.

 私達 GCZ ONE WORLDは、「良心と公序良俗」をベースにしつつ、共存共栄を体現すべき政治体制を目指しています。
We, GCZ ONE WORLD, aim to be the political system that embodies coexistence and mutual prosperity, based on "conscience and public order and morals".
Therefore, the Bible story thought (= globalism, Jewish thought, communist thought), which is premised on Fundamentally evil, Irreconcilable thought, Double standard thought, etc., must be absolutely prevented.
 何故なら、これらの世界観は、せこい自己本位の世界観 だからです。
This is because these world views are stingy self-oriented world views.
 私達 GCZ ONE WORLDでは、大気が、この世の隅々まで隈なく充満しているように、良心(ヒトの道)もまた、この世の隅々にまで行き渡ることを目指すのは、当然のことです。
In our GCZ ONE WORLD, as the atmosphere fills every corner of the world, it is only natural that the conscience (human way) also aims to reach every corner of this world.

As mentioned above, in this , we have talked about the unnecessary theory of Ruler.
That's right. It can be inferred that the so-called "non-discrimination" is actually a conspiracy by the Wire-puller-pastoral association (= ruling class).
Because these "non-discrimination theories" argue that treated people should be treated the same as ordinary people, but they are defined as "discriminated people" and they are treated as hypocrisy.
In other words, the nondiscrimination theory clearly distinguishes the victims.
That's right. And it has the intention to treat the discriminated person as a sheep on the sheep farm (= deprivation of liberty, ignoring human rights).
Further speculating, the anti-discrimination theory tries to control people by the Bible story sect (= Judah thought, Communism, etc.). This is not good.
〔第2稿 2020.07.28〕

◇参照 : 「幸福への道」Rord to happiness(兼 聖書記者とは誰か? Who is a Bible reporter?)
◇参照 : 何故聖書記者は、黒幕になったのか? Why did the Bible reporter become a mastermind (wirepuller).

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