自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆良心と公序良俗は、政治の基本だ。Conscience and public order and morals are the basics of politics.〔幸福感満足感・安寧・天敵(=怪獣・猛獣・疫病・天変地異・生き物界〕
<政治体制>Political system〔GCZ menu〕
The person in charge of politics is a human.
The political system is a system that secures public peace in order for people to embody "happiness and satisfaction" based on "conscience and public order and morals".
Therefore, politics plays a role of protecting (=defending) the natural enemies (= monsters, beasts, plagues, natural catastrophes), which are obstacles, from people.
Human beings are called primates and stand at the top of the "living world" because they not only exert their strength, but their talented brain.

That is, it is essential for us to act in harmony and co-prosperity with the "living world". That is the responsibility of human beings as primates.
The philosophy of ??"conscience and public order and morals" is that (1) human beings are primates and (2) the placebo effect = the function of natural healing power is smoothly matched.

We must run politics based on this philosophy.
 そのためには、私達 GCZ ONE WORLDでは、「聖書物語(=ユダヤ思想・共産主義)」について、ひの思想を解体することを強く推奨します。(・_・)
To that end, we at GCZ ONE WORLD strongly recommend dismantling this idea of the "Bible Story (= Jewish Thought, Communism)". (・_・)

As mentioned above, in this , we have talked about the unnecessary theory of Ruler.
That's right. It can be inferred that the so-called "non-discrimination" is actually a conspiracy by the Wire-puller-pastoral association (= ruling class).
Because these "non-discrimination theories" argue that treated people should be treated the same as ordinary people, but they are defined as "discriminated people" and they are treated as hypocrisy.
In other words, the nondiscrimination theory clearly distinguishes the victims.
That's right. And it has the intention to treat the discriminated person as a sheep on the sheep farm (= deprivation of liberty, ignoring human rights).
Further speculating, the anti-discrimination theory tries to control people by the Bible story sect (= Judah thought, Communism, etc.). This is not good.
〔第2稿 2020.07.28〕

◇参照 : 「幸福への道」Rord to happiness(兼 聖書記者とは誰か? Who is a Bible reporter?)

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