自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆聖書フィクションでは、黒幕は「神」だ。In Bible fiction, the Wire-puller is 'God.'〔宗主神・ウラ方役者黒幕・獅子吼・黒幕牧師連合劇団・支配層・シンクタンク・元締め・ブラックホール・オモテの神・ウラの神〕
<政治体制>Political system〔GCZ〕
That's right. Double standard Fundamentally evil It is Behind the scenes actor Wire-puller who plays the role of suzerain God in Bible fiction.
That's right. Behind the scenes actor Wire-puller is an unreasonable scenario editor, plays the role of suzerain God, and himself claims to be a "god."

In the Political system, such a solo performance of the Ruler (= Wire-puller, Pastor Union Theater Company) (= dictatorism/totalism) is not allowed.
Behind the scenes Actor Wire-puller should promptly dismiss and confess (= open) his internal circumstances.
Then, please reflect that the origin of God should not have deviated from the realm of placebo effect = natural healing power, and correct the Bible fiction.
That's right. The Wire-puller Pastor Union Theater Company is a think tank of the Bible Church of Fiction (= Basilica),

This think tank is the boss of a radical group of radical ideas such as globalism, Jewish thought, Communism, and Antifa. That's not good.
 そうです。聖書フィクションでは、宗主神suzerain Godは、この世では、ウラの世界を掌握しようとしています。
That's right. In Bible fiction, suzerain God seeks to seize the world of wrong side in this world.
Because Bible fiction is a story set in a dark and dark cave underground in a black hole.

 私達 GCZ ONE WORLDでは、常識的には、神のことについては、ヒトに直結するオモテの神を想像します。
In our GCZ ONE WORLD, it is common sense that when it comes to a god, we imagine the god of the right side, which is directly connected to humans.
In other words, it is the god resulting from the'placebo effect = natural healing power'.

However, God in Bible fiction is the God on the wrong side, isolated from humans.
The wrong side God is a discriminatory god with a stingy self-oriented world view.
On the other hand, the god on the right side is a god who, like the atmosphere network, benefits all people and all regions.
 私達 GCZ ONE WORLDが目指す政治体制 Political systemは、オモテの神をモデルにしています。
The Political system that we at GCZ ONE WORLD is aiming for is modeled on the right side god.

As mentioned above, in this , we have talked about the unnecessary theory of Ruler.
That's right. It can be inferred that the so-called "non-discrimination" is actually a conspiracy by the Wire-puller-pastoral association (= ruling class).
Because these "non-discrimination theories" argue that treated people should be treated the same as ordinary people, but they are defined as "discriminated people" and they are treated as hypocrisy.
In other words, the nondiscrimination theory clearly distinguishes the victims.
That's right. And it has the intention to treat the discriminated person as a sheep on the sheep farm (= deprivation of liberty, ignoring human rights).
Further speculating, the anti-discrimination theory tries to control people by the Bible story sect (= Judah thought, Communism, etc.). This is not good.
〔第2稿 2020.07.28〕

◇参照 : ベーシックインカム病のフィクション汗は、ヒトを幸福にする。Basic income disease fiction sweat makes people happy.〔労作・幸福感満足感・親切心・霊長類としての立場・勤労思想・人類皆勤労思想・機会均等社会・安寧〕
◇参照 : GCZ政治体制は、大気ネットワークを趣旨とする。GCZ political system aims at the atmospheric network.〔神経系ネットワーク・血管ネットワーク・大気密度・支配階級・政府機関・公僕・民主主義〕
◇参照 : 「幸福への道」Rord to happiness(兼 聖書記者とは誰か? Who is a Bible reporter?)
◇参照 : 何故聖書記者は、黒幕になったのか? Why did the Bible reporter become a mastermind (wirepuller).
◇参照 : じゃんけんぽん三元論プラチナ理論 Jankenpon Trialism Platinum theory.〔世界総合圏構想・抜本的な改廃・聖書物語関連思想・GCZ ONE WORLD〕

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