心道論アラカルト「聖典物語」Scripture story

◆12 復讐の展開 Deployment of revenge.

YouTube 共産主義革命は、ユダヤ人によるキリスト教徒への復讐です。The communist revolution is revenge on Christian by the Jewish.

"Talmud" is a conflict with Christianity. Because the Jews carry the history which has been tormented by all Christians and persecuted. Therefore, they have a strange grudge. So, they thought to destroy all the Christian 's historical culture. I think that they created "communist ideology" with such a purpose.
Therefore, the confrontation composition between "capitalism(Western thought)" and "communism" is a conflict between "Christianity" and "Judaism".
For Japanese who are so-called Japanese Idea, the communist revolution is completely unfamiliar, and it is free. Therefore, it is never accepted .(it is a misplaced revolution idea, it can not be instinctively accepted)

日本教 Japanese religion.(The religion which is soaked in unconsciously in the mind of the Japanese.)

恐るべきユダヤ悪魔教の教典タルムード!! "Scripture story " "Talmud" is a horrifying Jewish devilish scripture.
YouTube 再生リスト 若者よどこへ行く Where are young people going.
YouTube 再生リスト聖典物語 人間の本源を忘れるな
YouTube 共産主義革命は、ユダヤ人によるキリスト教徒への復讐です。The communist revolution is revenge on Christian by the Jewish
YouTube グローバリズム(=共産主義革命)の行く先は、この世の全てをユダヤ教化することです。The goal of globalism(= Communist revolution) is to make all of this world Judaism.

グローバリズム(=共産主義革命)の行く先は、この世の全てをユダヤ教化することです。The goal of globalism (= Communist revolution) is to make all of this world Judaism.
It is a social system reform that can never happen in a country that purports to have polytheism as in Japan. Because monotheism is horrible (everything is suppressed by a specific ideologicalist thought) We will not be able to dream freely. We do not have the freedom to choose arbitrarily by our own intention. Therefore, school violence and harassment of bullying, hypocrisy, harassment and sexual ethics (LGBT, affair, etc.) are carried out gloomily. These bad habits are never done away. Therefore, in society, the paradigm (social norm) will become rigid. Hierarchies are built one after another. The barrier of disparity will be strengthened. The scope of activity of the weak is limited. Especially Judaism is a typical example of hierarchical religion.
@ Syncretism (compromise / harmony) is absolutely denied.
A The walls of each hierarchy are strong, so there is no interchange or exchange between hierarchies. So, the contents of the upper hierarchy (the actual situation of the capitalist group, the structure of the decision making, etc.) thoroughly keeps secretiveism.
B Then, neither democracy nor the concept of free equality is absolutely discussed. Please remember "bird of basket".

【何故何故 Why, why?】
@ Why did the Communist revolution rise in Eastern Europe? Because it was a conflict between monotheistic religions.
A Why did the Communist revolution break out in China and underdeveloped countries? It is because the "cultural standard" is low, because they did not know the fear of monotheism.
B Why are the Communist Party members who were illegalized before World War II now surviving in a minority in Japan? Why are they forced to live for a long, miserable and miserable life like " social village ostracism" in their generations? It is a sad life. They do not understand the concept of monotheism except "form of imagination" Do not completely devote to monotheism, it is because they are wisely swimming around the world of consensual ideology(Syncretism) of our country.

Why does not Japan accept monotheism (globalism)?
That's because Japan's philosophy is "The syncretistic fusion of Shintoism and Buddhism = mind of Japanese(Japanese religion)."
Because globalism is hostile to coexistence of co-prosperity.


YouTube 再生リスト 日本人でも、物申すことがある。

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