A6 植え月 The planting month. ‐ 聖なる煙 Holy smoke. |
◇飢餓の村人を救うため、二人の若者が野牛狩りに出かけた。 To rescue a villager of hunger, two young men have gone out to bison hunt. 平原に迷い出た二人は、遠くから不思議な輝きを放つ何かが近づいてくるのに気づいた。 Two people who wavered in a plain out noticed something which gives a strange blaze off from a far place approaching. 二本足で、長い髪を風になびかせ、背中に何やら背負った美しい女だった。 Two of that be a foot and make long hair flutter in a wind, it was the good-looking woman who something was shouldered in a back. そう知るや、若者の一人は欲情にかられた。 One person of the young people who knew that was seized with a desire. 独りっきりで、守る者もいない女を物にするのはたやすいこと。 It was an easy thing that the person who protects conquers the single woman who isn't here, too. 迫られた女は着物の袖を広げ、若者を迎え入れた。 The woman pressed for opened a sleeve of clothes and welcomed young man. すると小さな煙の竜巻が起きた。 Then a tornado of small smoke has occurred. 竜巻が消えると、女の袖から若者が骸骨になってくずれ落ち、灰となり、風に吹かれて消えた。 When a tornado went off, young man were a skeleton from a female wing, and he fell in, and it was ash, was played by a wind and went off. もう一人の若者は、女を襲うことなど思いもよらない真の勇者で、正しく生きる賢者だった。 It was an unexpected true brave man to take a woman, and another youth was the sage who lived definitely. 若者は美しい女の神秘的な力に感服し、「村人にどうぞ教えを」と女を村に連れ帰った。 Young man admires the mysterious power of the good-looking woman, and "please give a villager telling", and, he took a woman in a village and returned. 女は村人を集めると、背の荷をほどき、トウモロコシや瓜の種を与えた。 When villagers were gathered, a woman unpacked a back and gave a seed of corn and cucumber. 次に、人の衣食住となる野牛を「大いなる神秘」からの贈り物として敬うように、と水瓶の小石に野牛を映して見せた。 Next respect the bison which becomes person's "food, clothing and shelter" as a present from "great mystery", a bison was reflected in a stone of a water jar and it was shown. そして自然や他人を尊重する正しい生き方や祈り方、そのための儀式を教えた。 And nature, the right life-style which respects others, how to hope and a ceremony for it were told. 最後に平和のキセルを取り出して長老に授け、「このキセルでタバコを吹かせば、その煙で願いが天に届く。キセルと共に皆が祈るように毎日を生きていけば、困ることはない」と告げると、再来を約束して村を去っていった。 A woman took a peaceful pipe out and gave a senior at the end. She told "When smoking a cigarette by this pipe, a wish reached heaven by the smoke. When living through every day so that everyone might hope with a pipe, that wouldn't be a problem." She promised second advent and was leaving the village. 村人が見送る中、女の後ろ姿は黒い野牛に変わり、茶、赤と色を変え、しまいには人が目にすることのできる最も神聖な生き物とされる白い野牛の子牛に変わった。 When a villager was seeing off, the female back changed to a black bison. She changed brown, red and the color. To close, she changed to a calf of the white bison which is made the holiest creature on whom a person can lay eyes. 子牛が消えた地平線からは、やがて野牛の群れが現れ、村人はそれから飢えを知らなかった。 ‐ ラコタ族「白い野牛の女」の伝説 The group of the bison showed soon from the horizon where a calf went off. A villager didn't know a famine after that. ‐ Legend of "woman of a white bison" of Lakota |