A10 長い髪の月 The month of the long hair. ‐ ドリーム・キャッチャー Dream catcher. |
◇昔むかし、村に疫病が流行り、たくさんの人が死んで行くなかで、老女が夢を見た。 Once upon a time, plague was popular in a village, and a lot of people died, and an old woman had a dream. 「人を癒す草の根を探せば、村は救える」という夢だった。 That was the dream "When looking for the nature of the grass which heals a person, a village can help." 老女はそのありかを求め、娘を連れてビジョン・クエストに出た。 An old woman asked the whereabouts, took her daughter and went to the Vision Quest. Vision Quest. 飢えと渇きで気が遠くなった老女は、飛んできた鷲に「智恵と力をお授けください」と祈った。 The old woman who lost consciousness by starvation and thirst, she hoped, "grant wisdom and power" to the eagle which flew. すると朝焼けの空に大男の精霊が現れ、老女の目の前の草が「聖なる草」だと教えた。 Then big man's sprite appeared in the sky of alpenglow, and he informed that grass right in front of the old woman was "holy grass". 老女が草の枝を折ると、緑の汁が出た。 When an old woman broke a branch of grass, green juice came out. それを飲むと元気が出たので、娘にも与えた。 When she drank that, she became full of energy, so it was given to her daughter, too. 草の汁は二人に聖なるビジョンの知識とその役立て方を教えた。 That juice of grass is the knowledge which is the holy vision for two people, and how to use it was told. 次の夜、再び現れた精霊は、「聖なる草」の正しい使い方とそれがたくさん生えている場所を教えた。 The sprite which appeared again at next night told right how to use "holy grass" and the place where much that grows. 村に帰った二人は、村人に「聖なる草」を見せ、儀式のやり方を伝えた。 Two people who returned to a village showed a villager "holy grass" and told a method of a ceremony. 皆が「聖なる草」を少しずつ食べた。 Everyone ate "holy grass" a little. メディスン・マンがラットルを振ると、中から「祖父なるぺヨテ」の声がした。 When the Medicine man shook rattle, It heard voice of "Peyote named the grandfather" from the inside. 太鼓のリズムに乗って、ラットルの中の声は歌を歌い続けた。 Voice in rattle got into the rhythm of a drum, and kept singing. 「祖父なるぺヨテ」の導きで、老女は焚き火の中に綿の木の葉を見た。 The old woman judged a cotton leaf from a lead of "Peyote named the grandfather" in the bonfire. ハート型の葉っぱで、それは「大いなる神秘」である「祖父なるぺヨテ」が人々に心をかけるというビジョンのお告げだった。 That was a heart-shaped leaf, and "Peyote named the grandfather" which is "Great Mystery" will be was an oracle of the vision which hangs a mind on people. 「水をもらうように」とお告げを得た男もいた。 "Have water." there was a man who got an oracle, too. 水をもらった男は、それで聖なる水鳥を描いた。 The man who got water drew a holy waterfowl with that. 皆が水を飲むと、水の精が元気を与えてくれた。 When everyone drank water, a sprite of water gave them vigor. こうして人々は、初めて「祖父なるペヨテ」と出合った。 People met up with "Peyote named the grandfather" for the first time in this way. 水鳥の形に燃える炎へに向かい、東西南北に祈りを捧げ、緑の杉を火にくべた。 They went to the shape of the waterfowl to pass through the flame which burns, prayed to north, south, east and west and put a redwood into a fire. 甘く香るその煙は、「祖父なるペヨテ」の息で、緑に育つすべての生き物の精霊だった。 The smoke which is sweet and smells is breath of "Peyote named the grandfather". That was a sprite of all creatures who grow up greenly. 病気の村人は癒され、誰もが老女と娘に感謝した。 A sick villager was healed and everyone thanked an old woman and her daughter. 「聖なる草」はやがて、大陸中のアメリカ・インディアンに伝わった。 ‐ スー族の伝説 Soon, "holy grass" was transmitted to American Indian in the continent. ‐ Legend of Sioux |