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◇他力本願・仏法僧・檀徒の夢 Dream of 'salvation justification by faith alone', 'the Buddha, the teachings, and the spiritual community' and 'temple supporter'.

'Salvation justification by faith alone', 'the Buddha, the teachings, and the spiritual community' there is and 'temple supporter' are in a relation of trialism.
'Salvation justification by faith alone' gives a right to 'the Buddha, the teachings, and the spiritual community'. 'The Buddha, the teachings, and the spiritual community' executes 'temple supporter' vicariously. 'Temple supporter' is desired to 'salvation justification by faith alone'.
'Temple supporter' supports a livelihood of 'the Buddha, the teachings, and the spiritual community'. 'The Buddha, the teachings, and the spiritual community' embodies 'salvation justification by faith alone'. 'Salvation justification by faith alone' relieves 'temple supporter'.

Therefore 'the temple supporter' is attracted by the worldview 'the Buddha, the teachings, and the spiritual community' interweaves (life of a priest). But 'temple supporter' knows that this admiration isn't achieved.

Now, this worldview is supreme and fixed as an ideal way of thinking for 'temple supporter'. This world has no quarrels, and calm and eternal every day continues. Therefore 'temple supporter' never likes a war. Or "the social status of the 'the Buddha, the teachings, and the spiritual community'" isn't considering that they "are themselves who are 'temple supporter' that a living foundation of 'the Buddha, the teachings, and the spiritual community' is being supported" for this case and 'temple supporter'. When it was like to point a worldview like 'the Buddha, the teachings, and the spiritual community', 'temple supporter' is wishing to achieve true ideal public opinion earnestly. In other words, they're thinking "The 'the Buddha, the teachings, and the spiritual community' which is 'salvation justification by faith alone' is greatest and is noble existence absolutely."

So it's difficult for the Mahayanist Buddhism person concerned to go out to idea of "independent independence" "independence" "self-help" etc.. Because importance of existence of 'the Buddha, the teachings, and the spiritual community' is to deny "independent independence" "independence" "self-help".


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