GLN Rock(Stone)-Paper-Scissors
むごい死に方 A cruel death.

△キリスト教(聖書宗教)は、一元論か、二元論か Is christianity (Biblical religion) monism or duality theory?

There are a lot of different opinions variously about this thing, but I interpret as follows.
(1) 聖書宗教は一元論か Is a Biblical religion monism?
It's to be possible to think the "all ones" of the world are caused by "thing" of one of free by will of a god only.
 一方では、「一つ」があるから、「多数」という概念も生ずる。つまり、「一元論」も「多元論」も根っこは同じと考えたい。例えば「光」の場合、「光」は何処に存在しても「光=唯一」です。場所ごとに果たす光の役割(作用=暗明)は異なっても、「光」は「光=唯一」です。 また例えば「空気=酸素」も然りです。
On the other hand because there is "one", a concept as "a lot" also forms. In other words, I'd like to think the root is also same "pluralism" "monism". For example wherever "light" exists in case of "light", it's "light = only". Even if the role of the light of killing every place (action =light and darkness) is different, "light" is "light = only". For example "air = oxygen" like.
The role of "god" which is as monotheism in a Biblical religion, gods of eight million (much) share that, when understanding, even if it's regarded as monism = pluralism, it isn't incongruous.

(2) 聖書宗教は二元論か Is a Biblical religion dualism (duality theory)?
It's easy to understand to explain based on duality theory as the means to classify "the right and wrong". Generally, the accepted doctrine of the Bible religion assumes "justice" (= teaching) an absolute and assumes that it impeaches "(evil = heresy) that is not right" a basic idea. As far as there is "the injustice", "the justice" has to keep denouncing that. There can be never that this fight ends. Because it's because it's impossible, even if historical sages range in two thousand and hundreds, and the "Holy Bible" in which a record was arranged comes, there is no carelessness, and to arrange the appearances made coherent.

むごい死に方 A cruel death. − イエス・パラダイム・プロテスト(三元論) Jesus paradigm protest (trialism).
 キリスト者の出入りする建物 − 居宅や教会 − では、いたましく、目を背けたくなるようなイエス・キリストが磔にされている姿の十字架を見ることがあります。
Pitifully, we see a cross of the form that Jesus Christ who feels like looking away is made crucifixion in the building where a Christian oftens call (home and church).
"The form that Christ suffers fell on its pain, and it was possible to get." "Christ image of a cross was the power(encouragement) when I suffer." When seeming again with a limit when a Christian worries during a life and suffers, that will be "the power for the person to live"---.

Or it's said that Jesus did "cruel death". Jesus collected people's belief as Christ (Messiah) by this thing. When one doesn't do "cruel death" for the person who believes in that, either, Jesus's "cruel death" suggests that a problem solution isn't accomplished.

Why did Jesus do "cruel death"? It's generally possible to understand that as follows.

Jesus was regarded as opposition from the Pharisees who esteem mitzvah then for that. Jesus carried on protest activity extensively to a Pharisee paradigm (law). For example Jesus visited the prostitute discriminated against then. He visited an isolated leprosy (Hansen's disease) patient. And he lent his hand and encouraged them. Their heart was healed. Such Jesus's activity incurred Pharisee anger. He had to do "cruel death" by a Pharisee.

A Christian sympathized with such Jesus's "cruel death" deeply. A Christian is believing in Jesus as Christ (Messiah). One has to determine on "cruel death" for a Christian to try to accomplish the faith (problem as a Christian) when paraphrasing.
In other words, after determining "cruelty, how to die" to a paradigm in this world, a Christian has to keep doing a protest from beginning to end. When not doing that, "Kingdom of God" at which they aim would never come. But as soon as a Christian did a protest end declaration (A country of a god comes.), the end of destiny (christianity) is waiting.
"Kingdom of God" never comes. This is because there is a way (religious sects) of the various interpretation probably because and the logic of "the Bible" has carelessness or a description of the Bible is vague.


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