GLN 三元論基本形trialism
GLN 三元論 Trialism

◆私 Morly の三元論 Morly's Trialism

@三元論の例示 Illustration of trialism (the 3 yuan theory).

In "Rock(Stone)-Paper-Scissors", it is stone, scissors and paper.
In Jishoi, it is chance, the location and work (office and rank and the class).
In a three-way deadlock, it is snake, frog and slug.

A私の三元論とは My trialism (three yuan theory).
When looking the environment around, coming into action and dreaming, we "man" point the stablest "environment". It's because the "behavior" has to be suitable for its environment. Or the "behavior" is because I want people to admit when it's useful for the world.
"Three-way deadlock" is generally "hostility" "deadlock" of a presence. So I'd like to dig a little more about "three-way deadlock".
Conclusively, "three-way deadlock" can recognize its environment is stablest and that it's full of life. Or we're the ideal society for a creature to prosper in the natural world (utopia) for "three-way deadlock".
 何故なら、自然界とは、味方も敵も「共栄共存している世界」だからである。 This is because both a friend and an enemy are "the world coexisting in peace and prosperity" with the natural world.
We will point to each enjoying mutual prosperity while coexisting with "an enemy and a friend".

When it's added, we aren't supposed to forget that the stablest shape is a triangle. [守]

B三元論の例示 Illustration of trialism (the 3 yuan theory).

In "Rock(Stone)-Paper-Scissors", it is stone, scissors and paper.
In Jishoi, it is chance, the location and work (office and rank and the class).
In a three-way deadlock, it is snake, frog and slug.

C基本図 Basic map.
(1) 基本図 Basic map.
A 現実 Real、B 秩序 Order、C 本性 The true character − それぞれが相互に作用しあう。 It acts on it each other mutually.
(2) 作用(製造・構築・進出)Action (Production, building, advance)
 社会(組織・国家)Society (organization, state)、空想(思想・宗教・哲学)Vision (thought, religion, philosophy)、本能(道徳・習慣)The instinct (morality, custom)
(3) 結果(成果・業績・遺産・規範・公式・定説)Result (product, achievement, legacy, model, formula, established theory)

D三元論の実際 Actual condition of trialism.

In a state, it is the people, an administration (country) and a law (morality). ⇒National character.
In separation of the three branches of government (separation of power), it is legislation, administration and judiciary. ⇒ An ideal nation.
Assailant, victim, decision in the judiciary. ⇒ Responsibility as the member of society.
Victim, statement, assailant in the judiciary. ⇒ Maintenance of public order. Apology.
Probation officer, assailant, To expiate one's sin in the probation. ⇒ Rebirth.
In the charitable, it is guardian angel, recipient person and charitable undertaking system. ⇒ Welfare society.
Health, disease, rest in the medical care. ⇒ Inquiry.
Ingredients, a cook, the person who eats in the meal. ⇒ Restaurant.
In 100m competition, it is departure person in charge (starter), runner and sport spectator. ⇒ To hold one's breath in fear.
The winner, loser, praise in the competition. ⇒ Honor.


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