自由への道 Road that branches to freedom.
自由への道 Road that branches to freedom

天の神は、二元論聖書宗教では、ヒトの一挙手一投足を監視している。God of heaven watches any move in humanity in the dualism Bible religion.

Therefore, people are pretending to adapt to the mind control such as self-reflection and masochism by God of heaven.
People are "acting" unconsciously toward God of heaven.
God of heaven (Bible reporters = clergy) also acquiesce and force people to "act".

"The acting" looks strange. People competed and competed for their weirdness. People are acting to neglect in their nature. However, people's nature is frustrating. People's dissatisfaction is about to explode.
Therefore, the performance (acting) is not "true happiness". It was natural for the performance to go "in the nominal direction".
For example, people compete and wear colorful costumes. They decorate the table with petals facing God of heaven. They are accustomed to prefer wildflowers facing up. etc.

 さて、ラビ イエスがパリサイ派の厳格な戒律に対して、抗議活動をした罪で、告発されて罪人になり、前科者イエスは、復活して「神の子として称えられている。
Now, Rabbi Jesus was accused of becoming a sinner for protesting against the strict discipline of the Pharisees. Former physician Jesus is resurrected and is praised as the Son of God.

And this protest is not a protest, just a controversy. Protests are not limited to demonstrations. Eventually, this protest is being developed as a protest that will erase the past of Jesus.
Furthermore, for that reason, attacks by armed forces were allowed.
The purpose of the protest did not go beyond the self-oriented "stingy" worldview. These are scenarios written by a Bible reporter (Jewish priest, Rabbi).
The sexual ethics of the ancient people was also faced with a crisis of collapse.
This is the origin of dualism Western thought. We, who are oriented toward "One World" must not overlook this.
This is because the dualistic Western thought, which is logically contradictory and easily falls into the direction of accepting armed forces, is not appropriate as a thought that aims at "One World".

Thus, dualism Bible religion (Western thought) has to deny the public order and morals of ancient people. Similarly, it also ignores "the public peace".
The pursuit of people's happiness and satisfaction is also neglected.
Because dualism is thought for the weak.

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